Chapter 11 ✨

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Day 6 - "Friends"

6 pm~

I prepared myself for the date and put on a light makeup, just enough to accentuate my features.

It would've been rude to decline his offer after a whole day. Plus, I was actually interested in it, so I thought, 'Why not?'

I went to the restaurant he invited me to by myself since I wasn't comfortable enough to have him come and pick me up.

After walking inside the place, I spotted him a little further away from the door, next to the window. He waved at me with a huge smile.

I walked over and took my seat in front of him. "Sorry for making you wait."

He quickly shook his head. "Nono, I just came here. It's fine."

He handed me the menu, asking, "What would you like to have here?"

I thanked him, smiling sweetly, and scanned the pages of the menu. As soon as I saw the price, my eyebrows crashed together.

Damn. This place is expensive af.

"Order anything you want," he assured me.

Hahahah... I can't do that. These are too expensive. I don't even think I can read these...

I pursed my lips and put the menu down. "I'll have what you're having." I forced a smile.

"Very well," he chuckled and called for the waiter.

My phone buzzed.

Smol witch: Are you having a fun time with that dude?

What the-

How dare he save me as 'smol witch'? I'm not short.

And witch? It's not like I created this curse or anything.

I changed his name and sent a message back.

"So, tell me about your hobbies. I heard that you liked dancing and singing."

I quickly snapped my head up at him before laughing awkwardly. "Yeah... I mean, everyone likes that, right? I also started picking up kickboxing recently."

Surprised to hear that, he widened his eyes. "Wow, that's so cool. Why?"

"To beat up some people, what else," I said expressionless.

He paused and then burst out laughing. "This is why I'm so interested in you. You seem like a shy and timid girl from the outside, but you're actually really fun to be with."

I flushed a little and cleared my throat. "I'm not..."

"And you're really adorable."

Okay, don't panic. Act cool. Coool

"Thank you." I smiled, pursing my lips.

My phone buzzed again.

I smiled sheepishly at him. "Excuse me."

He nodded.

I opened the message and frowned a little.

Jungrood: He's not even that good looking

Jungrood: Like look at me and look at him

Jungrood: *V hyung


Me: Stop bragging about your looks, I'm not here to date his face

Jungrood: Still, I'm way better

Jungrood: *Taehyung is

Me: Okay okay, you're good

Me: Now leave me alone

I put the phone down when our food arrived. It looked delicious, but I still couldn't catch its name.


"Thank you for today," I chimed.

We were walking around the park near my house. Since it was getting dark outside, he insisted that he accompanied me home.

"No problem," he chuckled.

My device rang for the 745192548th time. I held my breath and shut my eyes tight.

He laughed. "That person must be really desperate to prove that her ship is the OTP, huh?"

Yep, I lied to him saying that someone was fighting me over ships. I couldn't tell him that an internationally famous idol was texting me non-stop for the past two hours.

I just ignored his messages.

"Okay, I'll be fine from here," I said, turning around to face him.

He nodded, pursing his lips, and scratched the back of his neck.

I took a deep breath before letting it out. "I have to be honest with you. I'm sorry but I'm not interested in dating right now. I'm... in quite a supernatural situation that needs to be solved." I hated to say it. "We can become friends?"

He sighed softly and smiled afterwards. "Friends."

I hummed and waved him goodbye, parting ways.

After arriving back home, I survived the endless conversation with my parents about the date, saying that we weren't going to be in a relationship. Trying to convince them got me all exhausted.

Rolling over my bed, I took my phone out of my pocket and prepared to verbally fight Jungkook.

Me: What is wrong with you? You're acting like you're my boyfriend

Me: You're not boi

Me: So mind your own diddly darn business

Jungrood: It would be really difficult for me to be in your body if you two dated

Jungrood: It IS my business

I groaned frustrated.

Me: You know what, I'll fly over there overmorrow

Me: Send me the ticket

I huffed. I'm so sick of this. I'll just force this curse to stop, I don't care.

My phone dinged.

Jungrood: Overmorrow? Who even uses that word?

Jungrood: Okay, I'm going to buy it now

A/N: tbh I don't know how to continue this lmao (◕‸ ◕✿) *pout* help

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