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The Secret and Graduating

•Chapter 3•

-Next Day-

Perseus woke up with a start looking around around the room frantically, the small demigod gave off a silent sigh, the young demigod heard stories that when there was a red flag near your bed it means your late for the training. Perseus did his daily routine like normal. The young demigod went outside of his small house breathing in the fresh sea scent, the training course was empty, not one person using it for training, Perseus had a look of curiosity etched across his face.

"Perseus" the mermaid behind him said, Perseus jumped back in shock his heart racing, Steve stood behind Perseus his lips a flat line his face as stoic as ever. The young prince became nervous thinking he had done something wrong, the punishment the coach gave yesterday was scarring for Perseus. The mermaid made the young prince swim for forty kilometers. After that, let's say Perseus always recalled his punishment every time he swam.

"Yes commander?" Perseus said nervously. The commander of the Atlantean army had a small smirk in his face, the young prince never liked it every time his teacher was smirking, it meant something bad for Perseus' end. And Perseus never liked the way his mentor smirked, it was like a pop quiz all over again.

"Now, I see your up and running, now go to that obstacle course as a warm up, after that we will test your swordsmanship" Steve said to the young demigod, Perseus nodded grimly and walked to the obstacle course. It was a relatively short course but there were numerous traps and deadly objects ready to kill you.

Perseus jumped holding onto a monkey bar, he grabbed hold and held it for dear life, spikes made up of metal was planted at the very bottom of the obstacle course. The young prince moved through the monkey bars with ease since he was starting to get used to the sprints and swims the commander gave. The small demigod ducked as a volley of arrows missed Perseus by mere millimeters. The young son of Poseidon avoided an arrow that was aimed directly for his head, the young prince of the sea ran as fast as he can the water cannons on the side pointing at the young demigod.

Water geysers shot from the cannons sending beams of high powered water towards Perseus. The young prince dodged a geyser by inches, he ducked as another cannon shot its load towards him. Perseus ran to the finish line touching the line like it was a win. A large blast erupted from Perseus' side as the boy was sent flying. Water rippled through the ocean sending the son of Poseidon across the obstacle course. Perseus landed on the ground a frown on his face, the commander of the army approached the demigod a disappointed look Etched on the commander's face.

"We have got a long way to go young prince" The commander said and left Perseus to his thoughts. The young son of the sea stood up shaking his dizzy head, a smile was creeping up on his features, Perseus never gotten so close to finishing the obstacle course, he may not have finished It but he was close. Perseus considered that a win, it was the first sign that meant he was improving, and Perseus couldn't have been anymore happier.

-3 Years Later

Perseus grew to a noticeable height, The son of the sea was now fifteen years old, the fifteen year old demigod still had this bright positive attitude that always made anyone smile. Perseus always looked forwards to his yearly meeting with his family, they would explore the ocean and talk about how everything was going with the training, every time the demigod would reply with a small nod and a smile saying It Was Okay. Besides that Perseus would always look forward to his daily meeting with Artemis.

The two would become inseparable always hanging out on the same spot everyday, sometimes the two friends would explore the island of Delos until it was time for Perseus to go back to his training. Perseus never bothered to tell Artemis that he was a demigod, the demigod son of Poseidon would think that when he told Artemis about his big secret it would ruin the bond between the two friends, and Perseus didn't want that.

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