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The Gods

•Chapter Sixteen•

Percy ran, and ran and ran. He didn't know what to do anymore, the demigods had Percy at a checkmate, he couldn't stay at Camp Half-Blood, everyone there treated him like he was the worst thing in their life. And James, oh how Percy wanted to punch that bastard straight in the face, he wanted to slowly plunge his blade straight into his chest as the life leaves his goddamned eyes, Percy shook those thoughts away and looked at the scene in front of him.

There were trees sorrounding him on a clearing, Percy travelled quite a distance from Camp Half-Blood, the demigod climbed a nearby tree and perched himself on a branch, the moon was out and shining, he had been running from Camo Half-Blood for the whole day, Percy really didn't like Camp Half-Blood anymore. And Annabeth, oh Annabeth, Percy couldn't believe that Annabeth would do such a thing, he wanted to believe this was all a bad dream, he wanted to believe this was all a nightmare, the fates were arseholes, and he knew that as a fact.

Percy looked at the moon as the light shone around the clearing, the chirping of birds were heard throughout the whole forest, the soft and chilly wind blew audible swishes. Percy felt himself dozing off his eyelids starting to go heavy, he finally succumbed to fatigue, it was a very long day for Percy, and He really wanted to sleep and call it a day, it actually happened as The demigod went to the realm of Morpheus in almost an instant.

Percy was in a black abyss, a solid floor beneath him, he didn't know what to expect of this, he had a slight feeling of unease, he felt like he has been here before, but most of all, he felt that he knew what would happen next. The sound of footsteps were heard, it tapped on the floor with each step, it echoed throughout the abyss. The floor was made of solid concrete, stains of blood were seen on the concrete splattering here, there, and everywhere.

Percy turned around the soft thump of the consistent footsteps echoing through the abyss, a boy with white hair kept walking towards the demigod son of Poseidon. Percy stood up looking at the boy with a confused face, this boy gave him the creeps, a small fear was deep inside him, he didn't know why. Percy still looked at the boy approaching him his eyes locked onto the boy, his white hair covered his eyes as the boy looked at the floor in a creepy horrific way. 

Percy walked backwards whilst the boy kept walking forwards, it was a very scary encounter for Percy, though he had encounters with this, he always felt like he was in a nightmare every time he experienced these kind of dreams. Percy was still left at a confused state as to why now that these nightmares would occur, every time he had a nightmare it would be about Tartarus, or about Kronos, heck even Gaea, but these past few days, it was all about this dark abyss and this white haired boy.

Percy looked at the boy again his head throbbing suddenly in pain, the demigod dropped to the ground clutching his head, the boy kept approaching Percy with a stoic face his hair still covering his eyes. Percy screamed in agony clutching his head, it felt like his skull was being punctured by a thousand knives, heck that was an understatement, maybe it was more like thousand degree swords were piercing his skull was the better sentence to describe it.

The boy sat next to Percy as the demigod writhed in pain, the white haired boy sat criss crossed apple sauce besides Percy with an emotionless face, with the demigod still screaming and turning in agony.

"Why, are you doing this" Percy said in pain

"I'm not the one doing this, the connection is doing this, you felt a sliver of my pain" The boy said in a monotone voice

"Make it stop!" Percy said clutching his head

"I can't" The boy deadpanned

"Then why are you here" Percy said still in agonizing pain his head spinning from the pain

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