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•Chapter 10•

Annabeth exited the Poseidon cabin leaving Percy to his musings. The demigod got into a clean set of clothes which includes a CHB shirt and black jeans, Percy exited the Poseidon cabin breathing in the fresh scent of strawberries, Percy turned to Annabeth with a smile holding her hand and walking to the dinning pavilion. It seemed like a normal day for Percy, as normal as it can be.

He remembered all of the things he did in the past where he killed the Minotaur up until he assisted Apollo with his turning into a mortal problem, Percy smiled as he approached the dinning pavilion. Annabeth continued to walk holding Percy's hand, The demigod son of Poseidon sat on his table getting a plate of eggs and bacon. Percy ate everything in one go since breakfast for him is lunch for everybody, he just wakes up late that's all.

Percy finished his food drinking a glass of water and seating next to Annabeth. The daughter of Athena turned to look at Percy

"So Annabeth what will you do today?" Percy asked

"Just teach the newbies the basics of swordplay" Annabeth replied nonchalantly drinking a glass of water

"I've got border patrol" Percy replied with a shrug

"You always get border patrol" Annabeth replied with a sigh

"Then it's just like normal" Percy replied smirking

"I guess it is" Annabeth said, the daughter of Athena stood up sacrificing the rest of her food to the gods.

"I'll see you later Percy, go finish your task" Annabeth said running off to the arena. Percy nodded also standing up and going to Thalia's pine tree. Percy walked towards the pine tree touching the tree like good old times. Percy reminisced at the time when Thalia was revived by the Golden Fleece which is still guarded by Peleus to this day. Percy sat down next to the tree his back pressed against the bark.

Percy felt at ease breathing in the fresh scent of the wild, it brought peace and tranquility to his soul. Unfortunately that peace and tranquility was disrupted.

"Hey look it's my useless half brother" Someone said. Percy turned, looking at the origin of the voice. Percy sighed seeing him again, a boy around the age of sixteen appeared in front of Percy wearing dark blue pants and a skin tight CHB shirt that showed of his muscles. Percy extremely disliked him, he was an arrogant little scumbag that thought everything was his, and to think he was Percy's half brother.

"What do you want James" Percy asked his eyes showing extreme discomfort

"I want you off this camp, you don't deserve to be called their hero, you practically did nothing, while I was doing all of the hard work and you get the credit" James said poking Percy in the chest

"No, I will not, also if your going to lie, make it sound convincing, your just lying to yourself" Percy stated

"Why you little" James said drawing his bow. Annabeth intervened out of nowhere Percy didn't see her, she just somehow magically appeared out of nowhere, which was unlikely.

"Enough, James go back to what you are doing, Percy please don't start a fight" Annabeth please splitting apart the two sons of Poseidon's

"But he started it" Percy complained pointing at James

"I said Enough, now James go back to what you were doing, again I warn you don't start fights" Annabeth said

"Sure thing sugar" James flirted and turned his heel going the other direction. Percy sighed at his attempts

Shattered - Perseus JacksonHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin