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Finishing Loose Ends

•Chapter Twenty•

Percy faced the goddess of the moon head on with a stoic face, Artemis was looking at the boy with mixed emotions, it was fear mixed with curiosity. Percy yawned rubbing his eyes from the sudden irritation from his eyes, his bloodshot eyes were reverting back to normal sea green ones, there were still a few lines of red seen in the whites of his eyes, though it wasn't that big of a deal.

Percy debated whether to let the goddess of the hunt stay conscious, or just knock her out. The demigod pondered on the thought, the forest was silent, Artemis was readying her bow in case if anything were to go downhill. Percy raised his eyebrow at the attempt, Artemis leaped back firing five quick arrows in succession, Percy grabbed all five of them in his palms, not bothered if the arrows were causing a wound or not. The demigod simply didn't care.

"You're not like this Percy, you're better than this, you're a hero" Artemis said placing an arrow at her bow and firing three arrows at the demigod. Percy simply tilted his head the arrows missing him by a few millimeters.

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to become the villain" Percy deadpanned rushing towards Artemis. The goddess widened her eyes, the demigod was fast, very fast, he sent two of his tails towards Artemis, the goddess leaped out of the way pointing her bow towards Percy. Unbeknownst to the goddess, Percy was still having a debate on whether to know her out or let her be, that was the sole reason why Artemis was still standing and living to tell the tale.

Percy sighed finally having a decision, he stopped dead in his tracks the tails retracting. Artemis looked at the demigod with a raised eyebrow dropping her bow too.

"Be greatful, if I decided to, I could've knocked you out right where you stand" Percy said with a cold voice. Artemis was beginning to get mad, she was the goddess of the moon and the hunt, and she was being told of by a mere demigod. Artemis gritted her teeth clutching her bow tightly, Percy seemed to be confused tilting his head in confusion. This only fueled Artemis' anger even more.

"Who does this boy think he is" Artemis thought, the goddess surpressed the urge to punch the demigod straight in the face.

"Why are you suddenly mad, I'm only telling the truth" Percy said, that was making Artemis go mad, she clutched her bow so hard, that if it weren't magically enchanted, it would've been broken.

"The silent treatment?" Percy asked with a raised brow, that was it for Artemis, the goddess screamed in rage curling her fist into a ball running at Percy full force. The goddess screamed and punched Percy straight in the jawline, a sonic boom was heard overhead as the demigod was sent flying to a tree leaving strong blowback behind him. Artemis shook her head a smirk in her lips, she needed to teach the demigod a lesson.

Artemis' face dropped when Percy stood up from the blast seemingly unshaken, the demigod sighed stretching his arms. Artemis was yet again at a loss for words as she looked at the seemingly indesuctible demigod.

"I gave you a chance Artemis" Percy said with a sigh, Artemis clutched her bow in rage channelling her energy onto one shot. The arrow glowed in the moonlight, a silver aura sorrounding the arrow completely, Percy looked at the arrow a flash of recognition showing on his face, that was the arrow that Artemis used to kill Perseus.

"You can stop this Percy, but you're forcing my hand" Artemis said firing the shot, the arrow travelled at lightning fast speeds the moon sending lights onto the arrow giving it a powerful, yet magnificent glow. Percy looked at the zooming arrow towards him and looked at Artemis.

Shattered - Perseus Jacksonحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن