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GodHood and the Hunt

•Chapter 4•

Perseus awoke from his slumber yawning and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The young prince walked through his bedroom in Atlantis doing his daily routine of hygiene. Perseus put on some clean clothes and tried to finger comb his hair. However the rats nest that is called his hair didn't budge remaining as messy as ever. Perseus sighed in defeat and went to hiswardrobe, He grabbed a fancy toga and some sandals all dressed up in formal attire. Perseus dressed fancily and exited his room, the sounds of sandals clicked on the marble floors of Atlantis.

Perseus focused on the water sorrounding him, bubbles erupted from where The young prince stood. The demigod's body became gas like, the young prince traveled at high speeds zooming through the ocean as a sea mist. Perseus now learned how to fully control his power, he could now manipulate water with ease and mist travel like it was just a normal day, for Perseus it was a normal day, well a different normal day.

The demigod zoomed through the ancient lands of Greece passing through Athens in a blink of an eye, the demigod shot upwards with blue mist tailing behind him. Perseus scaled a large mountain that reached up to the clouds. The young prince breached the clouds the majestic city of mount Olympus standing on the very peak of the mountain, clouds gathered around the godly city as if making the city stay afloat. In the blink of an eye, the prince seemingly appeared out of nowhere and into the grand throne room of the Olympian gods. Six Mighty gods were seated high and mighty staring down at the young demigod.

Perseus rubbed the back of his neck a guilty smile plastered on his face "Sorry I'm late uncles and aunts, a bit of a, ehem, waking up late problem"

The six gods, Zeus, Poseidon, Hades, Hera, Demeter, and Hestia shook their heads in mere amusement. Perseus bowed to the three gods in respect and went to the sidelines where the other minor gods were talking. Ambrosia and Nectar, the food of the gods were placed on Long tables made out of pure gold. Perseus grabbed a small slice of Ambrosia and ate it, he liked the flavor of the divine food, it tasted a lot like Aunt Hestia's cooking, Perseus thought.

Perseus felt a small playful slap at his shoulder, the young prince turned around and saw his best friend the auburn haired girl of his childhood. Perseus had a small smile on his face and rubbed his neck guiltily. Artemis stared the demigod down with a glare that seemed to say that she was angry at the young prince

"Where were you, you're late, very late" Artemis stated scholding the young prince right at his tracks. Perseus rubbed his neck guilty which has become a very common habit of his, a guilty smile was still etched on his face

"Yeah, Yeah, it's your big day, but you know me, I'm always sleeping in" Perseus said with a smile on his face. Artemis chuckled a whole hearted one

"Yeah, I know, thanks for coming here Perseus" Artemis thanked Perseus and hugged the young demigod tight. Perseus returned the kind gesture with just as much force

"Of course, you wouldn't think I would be missing my best friends big day would you?" Perseus said a smile still present

"I knew you wouldn't, but if you didn't attend I would make sure that you would get tracked down by me and I will kill you with my bow" Artemis stated giving Perseus a death threat

"Yeah, Yeah Arty. You always say that" Perseus said to Artemis, the young maiden sighed in defeat. Perseus started calling Artemis Arty for a while now and it was very annoying for Artemis' side. That was why Perseus kept doing it.

"How many times have I told you, don't call me Arty, or else you want me to go back to calling you Sha-Shwam-Bam" Artemis stated, Perseus visibly paled and backed off

Shattered - Perseus JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now