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•Chapter Twenty Three•

Perseus stood at the very center of the battlefield as the Olympians stood defensively, Zeus had a smirk plastered onto his face. The Olympians still had the look of fear o n their faces, it was the first time the Olympians met someone as powerful as a Primordial, knowing that power is bestowed onto Zeus, who knows how many kinds of ways Zeus could abuse the power, probably an infinite amount.

Zeus smirked as electricity crackled beside him, his eyes were bright yellow crackling with electricity, sudden lightning bolts started falling from the sky destroying three buildings and one Parthenon. The Olympians gritted their teeth defending themselves form the sudden thunderstorm that began hitting buildings left right front and center. Perseus stood at the side unamused.

The Olympians stood speechless, in an instant the buildings were nothing but rubble from sudden bolts that were hurled from the sky. Zeus had a smirk plastered onto his face, the Olympians were rooted onto their spots clutching their symbols of power tightly trying to form any plans on how to fight the primordial like being in front of them. Zeus suddenly launched himself forward, his fists cracklings with electricity. The Olympians yelped dodging bolts of electricity. Zeus charged Dionysus and punched the man in the gut, the god widened his eyes and was launched a hundred feet probably falling from Olympus.

The gods yelled in surprise and fear dodging the thundering fists that Zeus kept sending them. Poseidon thrusted his trident towards the former king, Zeus grabbed the trident with a smirk, his eyes crackling with power and electricity, the trident suddenly sparked with electricity acting as a conductor and transferring the electricity to the God of the seas. The God yelped in surprise and dropped to the ground in a thud convulsing every so often from the electricity that was suddenly transferred onto his body.

Zeus looked at the rest of the gods with a glint in his eyes. Zeus raised two of his fists as a sudden electric spark emitted from the palm of the former god's hands, Zeus pointed to the gods, suddenly electric bolts appeared out of nowhere zooming through Olympus towards the gods. They yelped and dodged, some weren't so lucky, Apollo was hit straight to the chest with a lightning bolt, the God of the sun was sent flying to a column, it made a sickening crunch as the building went tumbling over from the force.

Artemis rushed to her twin's side looking at the God of the sun in worry. Apollo was knocked out, his body was littered thousand or more degree burns on his chest, Artemis gritted her teeth clutching her bow. The goddess launched from her spot just as a bolt came hurling towards the spot she was last in, unfortunately the bolt sent one of the buildings tumbling and turning into rubble. Olympus, that was once a proud city, was in flames, crumbling to ash and dust. Artemis clutched her bow and fired arrow after arrow to the God. Zeus didn't even move, the arrows simply disintegrated into a puff of electricity every time the projectiles came close. Artemis gritted her teeth, it would be a long fight, the gods weren't sure if they were gonna win this.

Perseus sighed watching the battle with curious eyes, Zeus was powerful, and Perseus knew that. The demigod stood up stretching, Perseus wore a white t-shirt and a grey jacket that fit the demigod perfectly, he wore a pair of black jeans that complimented his shirt, it was quite simple attire, but it made even the goddesses swoon, Perseus couldn't care less. The demigod stretched again prepping himself for another battle.

The gods though we're having a very hard time, some say it was straight up human vs ant, the gods were the ants, and Zeus was determined to wipe them out with a spraying can. The former king sent another large bolt of lightning knocking out three of the gods. Zeus had a well knowing smirk plastered up on his face, The gods were still hanging onto the bit of hope, it was a battle that every one knew how it will end, the gods still couldn't give up. Zeus laughed his yellow eyes crackling with power.

Shattered - Perseus JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now