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•Chapter Eleven•

Percy woke up panting looking around frantically, he didn't know where he is nor did he remember what happened. Percy shook his head recalling everything that happened, he remembered the fight with the manticore and only up to that point, he passed out from exhaustion and from the poison after that. Percy laid on a white bed with white walls around him, there was a nightstand near his bed.

Percy sat upright and instantly regretted it, pain flared into his shoulder like never before, Percy gasped in pain and held his shoulder. Bandages were wrapped around the wound, there were a few more bandages around his chest but otherwise there were no more major injuries. All of his scratches seemed to be dissapearing, Percy guessed it was the Ambrosia and Nectar that did the trick

Percy grabbed his sword placing it in his scabbard, the demigod grabbed his shirt and got out of the door. The normal sight of Camp Half-Blood filled Percy's vision, Percy looked to his left seeing a familiar blond. Annabeth came jogging towards Percy her eyes filled and laced with worry

"Percy are you alright, you received quite a beating" Annabeth stated, her grey eyes locked onto Percy's. 

"Yeah I'm fine, although my limbs are pretty stiff, I could be worse situations" Percy said with a shrug. Another familiar blonde walked up to Percy, he wore a CHB shirt and black jeans.

"Hey Perce" Will said patting the demigod on the back.

"You sustained pretty major injuries, I suggest you take it easy for a while, no vigorous movement for a week or two, your body still hasn't recovered from the poison" Will stated his doctor side taking over.

"Was it that bad" Percy replied

"When you look at it from a naked eye, it really wasn't that bad, but from the poison, it was very bad" Will said.

"Anyway, Perce go rest, I still got to look for Nico" Will said jogging of to the Hades cabin

"I hate this, it's like being grounded" Percy said pouting

"Yeah, but you can't move, otherwise it might worsen your already bad injuries" Annabeth stated.

Percy sighed in defeat walking to the Poseidon cabin with Annabeth in tow, Percy opened the door to the cabin laying down on the soft bed. Annabeth layed beside him enjoying the company, they however didn't notice the other company hanging around.

"Hello sugar, here to visit me" James said flexing his muscles.

"She isn't  and never will" Percy replied, James glared at Percy.

"Your here for me right Annabeth" James said hopefully

"No, I'm not here for you" Annabeth dead panned 

"See I told you" Percy replied. James turned into diffrent shades of red, his face scrunched up in anger. James left the Poseidon cabin in a rush and shut the door making a large bang, Percy and Annabeth shared a look. The two laughed their eyes wrinkling up in pure satisfaction, the two really found it funny whenever James would have his temper tantrums.

"That never gets old" Percy said wiping off a fake tear.

"He can be such a cry baby sometimes" Annabeth replied still laughing her butt off. Percy eventually stopped laughing his stomach hurting from all of the laughing.

"That was gold, anyway Percy, since you got injured, you should go rest" Annabeth stated looking at Percy

"But I'm not even tired" Percy retaliated

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