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•Chapter Nine•

Kronos twirled his scythe, an evil glint in his yellow eyes. Kronos had an evil aura resonating from him his scythe still in hand, a cold uneasy feeling was felt throughout the whole of Mount Othrys. Atlas struggled in his bonds, his eyes showing extreme fear. Perseus on the other hand remained stoic his face showing no emotion, his once lively sea green eyes were dull, like a heart devoid of emotion.

"Run mortal, you are gonna face suffering beyond extent, though Kronos isn't at full power, he is gonna crush you" Atlas warned. Perseus kept staring at Kronos not taking a step back, not showing fear, nor showing any emotions.

"Perseus, you are testing my patience" Kronos said twirling his scythe a glare etched across the Titan of time's face. Perseus remained silent, his once raven black hair turned into Snow White hair. His white hair tossed and turned from the wind his bangs covering his eyes. His mouth was a visible straight line, his body still not moving an inch.

"Fine, have it your way" Kronos said making a large deadly slice with his scythe. The scythe barreled towards Perseus, the demigod jumped out of the way just in time as the scythe pierced the ground with a large boom. 

Kronos smirked his scythe flying into his hand, the Titan of time launched himself towards Perseus. Kronos made a downward slash the scythe coming into close contact with the demigod. Perseus stopped the scythe mid swing his hand grabbing the scythe's blade. Perseus' hand dripped with blood the red liquid spilling on the ground. Kronos put a little more force as the scythe cut Perseus' arm clean off. 

A faint yellow light covered Perseus' stump of a hand. The light died down with Perseus having a brand new hand, The white haired demigod moved his hand to get a better feel of the new attachment. Perseus smirked his bangs still covering his eyes, Scorpion like tails sprouted from Perseus' back, it was the same tails that Perseus used to drag Atlas back to the sky

Four scorpion tails sprouted from the small of his back where his Achilles heel is, Kronos looked at the tails with confusion.

"You think that is going to stop me" Kronos said running towards Perseus and sliced with his scythe, the four tails enveloped Perseus blocking all of Kronos' hits. The Titan gritted his teeth his eyes showing clear frustration. Kronos twirled his scythe his eyes turning a light shade of yellow. Everything around him seemed to slow down including Perseus, the Titan of time lunged at Perseus once the tails got down, Kronos made a large wound on Perseus' chest as blood dripped from the open wound.

Time seemed to return to normal, Perseus was launched to a column. A sickening crunch was heard from the impact. Perseus coughed up blood his wound becoming more and more severe by the second. Kronos approached Perseus with a smirk his evil eyes dancing with delight.

"I am the king of the Titans, you cannot expect to beat me can you" Kronos mocked twirling his scythe with joy

"Oh well time to kill you now-" Kronos widened his eyes, the Titan coughed up blood dropping to a knee. A scorpion tail with no stinger pierced the Titan's heart, Kronos had wide eyes looking at the tail in pure shock. Perseus dusted off the rubble from his shirt, his mouth a flat line. Perseus walked towards Kronos the scorpion tail still pierced in the Titan's heart. Perseus kneeled in front of Kronos his bangs covering his eyes.

"Ho-How?" Kronos said coughing up blood

"You said it yourself, you are afraid of the metamorph scorpion" Perseus said in a monotone voice

"But how, yo-you're supposed to be a sco-scorpion, your not supp-posed to remain human" Kronos said coughing up more blood.

"I just simply bonded with the venom, I didn't turn into one, but I sure as Tartarus got the instincts of one" Perseus said in monotone

Shattered - Perseus JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now