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Attack of Titans

•Chapter Five•

2 Years Later

Perseus dashed through a lush forest dodging animals and fallen logs, the young prince jumped over a dead log still running at inhumane speeds. To the naked eye Perseus was but a blur of blue spreading a sea like mist as he raced through the whole of Greece. Perseus could easily Mist Travel, thought the young prince. But it was fun running through Greece, once again thought Perseus.

A large scale mountain stood at the very center of the ancient lands of Greece. The mountain touched the clouds its tip hitting the cloudy like atmosphere. The young prince turned into a sea mist as the gassy substance shot through the plains going up the large mountain in a sea breeze. Perseus appeared in a throne like room made of gold with twelve powerful presence resonating throughout the room.

"You called" Perseus asked raising his eyebrow, the twelve Olympians nodded their heads looking at the young son of Poseidon, nervous faces were etched across he gods and goddesses' faces

"We have called this meeting to warn all children of the gods about the upcoming war" Zeus stated

"What war, you mean like an all out war" Heracles asked, Perseus rolled his eyes towards the Son of Zeus

"Yes Heracles, a war means an all out war, what did you think it was, a snowball war?" Perseus asked Heracles teasing the son of Zeus

"Watch it Perseus, I'm the greatest demigod alive, you would want to test my strength" Heracles stated

"What Strength?, I never recalled you had any" Perseus retorted

"Enough, you two calm down this is a serious matter" Hades commanded, the two demigods effectively shut their mouths

"Anyways, be prepared, monster attacks can be more frequent, and if the time comes, you need to help aid in the battle for Olympus" Zeus said.

"But who will we be fighting" Theseus asked the council with a questioning glance

"The Titans" Poseidon stated gloomily. The whole throne room was at a nervous silence, even the talkative Apollo was quiet. Perseus never imagined he would live to see the day that he would see Titans, let alone fight them. Perseus couldn't hide it but he was nervous, the young prince could definitely fight, but fight the Titans, that in itself is suicide

"If no one else is gonna add anything, I now declare this meeting adjourned" Zeus stated his theatrics taking over. In a flash of lightning Zeus instantly dissapeared into a bright flash, Hades turned into shadows, Demeter  dissapeared in a flash of green leaving a small sapling in her wake, Athena turned into grey light and dissapeared. The rest were just normal flashing, but there was one goddess who was still in the throne room.

Artemis shrinked to human size walking up to the young prince, Perseus gave Artemis a small smile which Artemis was grateful for. With all the things happening all at once the moon goddess had nothing but stress in her hands

"So Artemis, what do we do now, what about the Hunt" Perseus asked

"The hunt will be okay, they are an elite force to be reckoned with, besides they were trained by you and me" Artemis stated

"Yeah, but everything we worked for might just come crashing down" Perseus said nervously rubbing his neck nervously.

"Don't worry about that, I'm a goddess, you are son of the big three, we can work something out" Artemis said, Perseus smiled at Artemis gratefully. A demigod approached the two best friends while they were talking, the son of Zeus himself

Shattered - Perseus JacksonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora