Field Trip Bust Part 1

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Description: (Some of it is based on stuff in other oneshot books) Midtown High has a field trip to Stark industries. The Avengers will be there as well. (The avengers worked out all their problems a year after civil war and are like family again.) Due to the fact of Peter being the adopted son of Tony, they will tease him till he may die of embarrassment. How will this go for Peter? Lmao I wish him good luck. This chapter is long af.

*beep* *beep* time: 6:00

Peter groans with exhaustion as he tries to get up. He barely rises, but it is just enough for him to reach his clock.

He doesn't feel like getting up so he presses the snooze button. He didn't know that It would be a huge mistake.

After a long while, a female voice came ringing through his room. "Good morning Peter. I came to inform you that it is now seven thirty in the morning, and Mr. Stark is waiting for you in the Kitchen."

Peter's body jolted up in shock. '7:30!?' He thought to himself. "Thanks Fri" Peter responded.

He quickly got out of bed and started to get dressed. He quickly brushed his teeth and ran to the kitchen.

He didn't do his hair like he usually did, as there was no time. Quite frankly, Pepper thought it was cute.

Once he arrived to the kitchen he saw Tony waiting for him at the kitchen counter. "What took you so long, kid?"

"Just...woke up late." Peter said awkwardly while grabbing an apple. "Why are you waiting for me, excatly?"

"I figured I should drive you to school, showing I have nothing to do."

"Okay dad, let's go."

_______Time Skip________^_^_____

The car came to a stop as they appeared in front of Midtown High School. People began to crowd around the expensive looking car in awe.

No one knew that Peter was Tony's son, as his name was still under Parker. Also no one believed that he actually had an internship at SI. He said his goodbyes to his dad and proudly walked inside.

People swarmed him with questions but he just ignored it.

Besides that, it was a normal day.

That includes the mentioning of "Penis Parker". Him hanging out with Michelle and Ned, which knew he was Spiderman and Tony Starks son.

Ned knew because he accidentally saw Peter crawling into his room on the ceiling with his spiderman suit on. And Michelle found out because she is..well Michelle.

With those two being his bestfriends, he told them about everything including Mr. Stark. Peter felt happy for not having any fake friends. If people really knew who he was, there would be fake people everywhere.

Just like what happened earlier when he left the car. A girl asked for him number, but Michelle was walking with him. They both yelled, "BE GONE THOT" Which make them both die of laughter.

That mood was ruined from what happened next. Flash being annoying and what happened on the least period of the day.

Mr. Harrison was about to end class when he said, "Kids. We are going on a Field Trip to Stark Industires this Friday! Take your permission slips on the way out the door."

Ned looked at Peter with excitement, "Dude it's so cool you get to go on a tour of your own house!! I get to see so many things....aaahhh so exciting!!"

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