What The Fuck? Part Two

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Hey everybody
I didnt have much time to do write this week. My teachers decided to bombard us with homework.
I honestly might drop the book.

So I didnt want to give you nothing for this week, so I whipped this up.
Sorry I havent posted in a while, and this is short.
I stopped living since tuesday...
Last week
But enjoy ;)

edit: omgomhbsjsbudbshsh 60k!?!?!??! :○
Thank you guys, I love yall ♡

The next morning~

The avengers were all cozing around the couch.

Eager to officially meet 'Starks Kid'. Out of all the people who would adopt a kid, Tony? Really?

What was so special about him? Well besides being Spiderman.

Well let's find out.

The two walked into the common room.

They walked to the kitchen counter. As casual as can be as if it was normal.

The kid who was apparently named 'Peter' grabbed a box of cereal and sat at the kitchen counter.

He didnt nitice the grouo of people staring at him until literally five minutes of slobing around.

"Oh...he-hey guys." Peter awkwardly sputtered out.

"Hi Peter!" Clint said, weirdly excited. It was in a really creepy voice, but somewhat comforting?

Is that the right word? Probably not.

"Hey kid." Steve said with a smirk.

"S-so how are you?" The kid said, trying to start a conversation.

"Eh. My life is okay." Bruce said, entering the room.

Peter's eyes widened at the sight. A big grin grew on his face as he says, "Oh my god you are-"

"The hulk, I know-" Bruce said, cutting him off.

"Dr. Banner! One of the greatest scientist in history!" Peter basically screeched, startling the rest of the avengers.

Flustered, Bruce smiled, "That I am."

He was actually happy for once. He was finally seen as the great scientist he worked so hard to be, instead if the usual enormous green rage monster.

"Its so good to meet you! People say you are smarter than my dad!" Peter grinned

"What?!" Tony yelled in the distance.

Slight chuckles had been heard in the room.

Natasha now started to talk. "Well, it's good to meet you kid. You must be someone special for Tony to even notice you."

"Oh, I'm not really that special." He blushed.

"Kid, you walk on walls." Sam said blankly.

Peter shrugged, and sat down with the bunch.

"So what do guys want to do."

"Hmm. I'm not sure."

"Let's play a game to get to know eachother."

Natasha shrugged agreeingly.

After a few minutes of arguing on what to play, Clint yelled. "How about two truths and one lie!?"

"Really Clint. That's so childish." Natasha rolled her eyes.

"I dont mind." Peter responded, with a small crack in his voice.

"Okay then. Lets do it." Steve said.

"Hold on! I'm joining." Tony said, jogging over. He quickly sat down, and got comfortable.

"Who's going first?"

"Wait... how do you play? Steve asked, embarrassed.

"You tell two truths about yourself, and one lie. Everybody else has to guess what the lie is." Sam explained.

"Peter, why don't you go first?"

"O..okay..umm. I have green eyes, a building got dropped on me and I'm afraid of spiders."

"I say, building." Steve, Sam, Cling, Tony, Bruce and Wanda said, all somehow in sync.

"I'll say green eyes is the lie." Natasha shrugged.

They all looked at her puzzled.

"C'mon kid. You have to make it hard. The other ones are obviously tru-"

"His eyes are brown." Natasha plainly said.

"A buiLdinG -wHat!?"

Everybody laughed, but had a very concerned face. Well, everyone besides Natasha.

The rest of day resulted in lots of games and laughs.

All of them were being couch potatoes, and got to know Peter very well.

Well all of them liked him, except for Sam.

Though, I'm sure he likes the kid a lot ;)

Hope you enjoyed ♡♤♡

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