Hands of a Murder Part One

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Hey yall! Hope you enjoyed that spiderson reveal from the last chapter ;)

I try to write as much as possible in the weekends. I'll post like 2 times a week.

And you should be worried about this title :)

So this one has a bit of a deeper meaning. This one shot will last around four or five parts.

This one starts from a bit of a shocker. Aunt Aunt May is a bitch in this.
So good luck and enjoy :)


Peter wouldnt stop.

His fists were sore, yet he kept punching.

Blood was encasing the kids fists, but he wasn't holding back.

Nor, anywhere close to stopping.

He was strattled over his victim. Only the sound of bare fists against nickel-titanium alloy was all that could be heard.

Only after a few hits, the nearly unbreakable helmet was broken off. How ironic.

Peter began to hit the face of the victim. The kid wanted to hear the crack of the bones below him. The painful grunts of the man below him.

He decided his punches werent efficient enough...so he decided to go for the power source.

The area of where the energy came from.

The Chest

"K-kid. Please...st-stop" Fearful words rang through the building. Those words came out disfigured and broken.

The words came out of the man Peter would call..."Mr. Stark", "Tony" And occassionally "dad."

Yet, Peter wouldn't stop.

He just kept punching.

Now you would probably like to know what was going on.

But for now. Let's start from the beggining.


The time is around 1 am when Peter decided to stop patrolling. The amount of crimes were oddly higher than usual. He was totally beat.

The chilly night didnt make it any better.

Luckily Tony installed a suit heater.

He slowly and carelessly swung building to building across the city. He enjoyed seeing the lights.

No matter how many times he swung through the city, he still swung in awe.

He was enjoying the view as always.

Well that wasnt until something flung towards him.

Yet, his spider sense warned him just in time and he quickly got out of the way.

He didnt think much of it until he looked back and realized it was a bomb.

Peter quickly ran to the place it landed. He shot his web at the ticking machine and flung kt high up into the air.

As if timed perfectly, the bomb blew up when high enough. A sigh of relief came next.

Peter looked around suspiciously. It he was just so done, he went home.

He just swung home. A lot faster this time.

No incredibly weird events happened after that. He finally reached his destination.

He climbed up the run down apartment building. He reached his window and climbed in.

What he saw inside, wasnt so pleasant.

Peter entered the window. With his aunt waiting on the other side.

"What the fuck!?" May yelled.

Peter responded in a false accent, "Oh hi ma'am. Just checking the neighborhoods. Have a good night"

May rolled her eyes as Peter began to crawl away.

"Peter. Get back over here! Now."

No answer.


The sound of footsteps on the wall went back to the window.

"May, please don't freak out. I can explai-"

"Peter no! How did you even get this suit!? How long has this been happening!? Does this have to do with that stupid Tony Stark?! Oh and you are so not doing this anymore. It's so dangerous! I tell you to run away from dangerous situations, not towards them!"

"Aunt May no! I love doing this. Don't take this away from me!"

"This is far too dangerous Peter! Oh my god! Didnt Spiderman go to Germany to fight the Avengers!? And hold a tour ship together!?"

"Yes May! But I'm fine! I can handle this"

"Its either the suit or me Peter. Pick. I will not have you live under my roof and go out every night playing hero. I thought I raised you to be better than that!? Pick! Now!"

Peter stood there. Torn between what to do. He didnt want to give up being spiderman. Being somebody for once.

Yet he didnt want to leave aunt May.

Peter was about to say something, but May said "Really!? I can't believe you have to think about this."

"May. I ca-!" Peter said onto to be cut off by May's rage.

"Get out! OUT NOW!"

"May please. You can't do this! You're all I have left!"

"Now you have nothing left. Get. Out."

"May..." Peter said desperately.

"Get your stuff and leave."

Peter gave up and packed a few things. Warm tears left his face.

For now. He would sleep outside, next to the dumpster.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter ;)
And that I left you hanging...

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