Prom who? Never heard of her.

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Lmao hey ya'll
It seems like every week of my life a tragedy happens. So my sister is sick and is getting operated on nice.

I'm in her temporary room, while she is in another room. Again, how nice. So I really tried to lighten the mood and actually write a chapter for this week.

Enough about my life.
Let's talk about Peter's. Let's just say, something MJ asks surprises him.

Let's move on ;)


"Peter, it's time to wake up." A female AI spoke.

"Five more minutes Fri." Peter grumbled. His head under his pillow and he was burrito wrapped in blankets.

"You asked that ten times already." She somehow said with a concerned like voice.

Peter was obviously he did not in the mood for this bull and said. "Make it eleven"

"Might I remind you, school starts in thirty minutes. My calculations say if you do not get up in the next five minutes, you'll be late." Friday insisted.

Peter groaned again, "Ugh, and that concerns me becuase?"

"Because you leaving class to be spiderman, has gotten you enough late slips and detentions. So I suggest you get up." The AIs voice creepily dementing in the beggining, but to only end in a sweet voice.

"Okay okay. Fine I'll get up." The kid finally gave up, and began to get ready.

"Oh and Mr. Stark is waiting for you downstairs." Friday added.

"What!? Why?"

"To drop you off for school." She replied.

"Isnt Happy bringing me?" The boy asked confused.

"He is taking a slight break. He said, and I quote, "I need a break from the Starks' He is returning next week."

"Oh okay" Peter said, rushing to the bathroom. He didn't take offense from what Happy said. He knew that he and his father were fairly annoying.

He quickly brushed his teeth and ran out of the room.

Only to rush back and grab his backpack and phone. The kid walked to the kitchen to see his father standing at the island. He was drinking his usual coffee, while doing whatever on the Starkpad.

"Hey Tony. Let's go."

"Oh finally you're down. I was beggining to think you were dead" The billionaire said with a big grin on his face.

"If you thought I was dead. Why didnt you check on me?" Peter questioned.

"Kid. It's called exaggerating. Ever heard of it?"

Peter smirked and decided to reply with, "No, I've never heard of that in my entire life. Like never. Not at all. But I do know something called sarcasm."

"Oh ha ha, feeling sassy today? Get to the car." Tony said walking towards the door.

"Hmm okay." Peter followed.

"And kid." Tony said turning to face Peter. "I've been your dad for a year now. I thought we would be on a dad-son level."

"Says the person who calls me 'kid' all of the time." Peter smirked. He really was in an unusually sassy mood.

"Touche" Tony smiled, when a 'pft' sound escaped Peter's mouth.

The two soon reached the car, and drove off.

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