Field Trip Bust Part 2

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They continued onto the labs. What happend next was one of the things he didnt want to happen. Literally.

'Why life. Why.' Peter thought.

They walked into the lab to see a Bruce Banner. An avenger. One of the last things Peter wanted. The other kids started squealing if excitment.

Bruce shot up his head to see a bunch of random kids and kindly asked Janelle, "What is this?"

Janelle smiled and said, "Midtown high school students were promised a tour. And I think they would be more than happy to meet an avenger."

Bruce smiled and realization hit him, "Midtown High you say?"

Oh no Peter thought

Janelle nodded and Bruce continued, "Hey Pete, where are you!"

Peter awkwardly shuffled towards the back of the group. But people showed a path for me. Peter was blushing wildly.

Everyone amazed. Bruce's eyes lit up as he stood up to hug a child who was like his nephew. Peter kindley accepted the hug and just smiled. "Great timing Pete. I actually need help right now. You wouldnt mind if I stole him away for a bit right?" Janelle gave a reassuring nod and smile.

"The thing is, I have been trying to perfect this area of the code but something is apparently wrong. I can't catch it." Peter nodded examining the numbers and letters. The class staring with pure amusement. All except for Flash of course.

"How the hell do you know Penis Parker? Did he pay you?" Flash said causing a head turn from Bruce.

"What did you just call him?" You could hear the anger in this sentence. Flash nervously backed away shaking.

Peter loved seing Flash q u a k i n g. And considered for a moment to let this play out.

But Peter knew they did not need an angry hulk thrashing Flash around. So he just whispered, "Let it be Bruce. Please just let it go." The obviously ticked scientist just nodded and waited for Peter to decipher the issue.

A few minutes later Peter smiled handing back the code and pointing at the page with his finger. "You forgot a five right there." Bruces face showed pure joy and ruffled Peter's hair.

Bruce decided to give a mini lesson on what he was doing. The class was "fascinated" but was focusing on the fact, an avenger was talking to him.

Bruce then said, "Well I now have no need to interrupt your tour so go on." Janelle nodded and motion for the class to go back in the elevator.

Next was the training room

And the people we found there....well...

The class stared at the pair fighting in the center of a glass encased room. With Steve standing right outside if it as if he was grading them.

Everybody freaked out and rushed to talk to him. Suddenly he smiled got increasingly bigger as he saw Peter. "Hey Pete!" The class stared wide eyed. Flash was just in the corner being salty.

Peter was just so done by now he responded with a "Hey Capsicle!" Steve chuckled at Peter's choice of words.

'He gets it from his father' Steve immediately thought.

Steve  then faced back to the other kids and
said, "The two in their right now are the one of the best assasins currently in this universe. That includes Clint of course, but he is busy on a mission. They are Black widow and the Winter Soldier."

Everybody gasped in excitement and Steve laughed of the amusement. "Black Widow always holds back when training with someone. Including me. But she doesn't hold back on him. Here you can see all their techniques and fighting sequences."

All the kids could do was to stare. It took about one hour till they stopped. Thirty minutes in they decided to have their packed lunch here. Everybody was done by the time they came out.

They smiled at the class. Well actually.... Natasha smiled at the..wait no.... they both had nothing but cold stared at the class. They both injuries scattered across their bodies (Lol sorry. I'm a WinterWidow shipper)

They were going to leave when Natasha said to Bucky in Russian. "Кто такие дети" (Who are these Children) it sounded so cold it gave the kids chills down their backs.

He simply replied with "Я не знаю" (I dont know.) He skimmed the group and he noticed Peter. His scary demeanor stayed the same but the corner of his mouth shot up. "Смотрите, паук здесь." (Look the spider is here.) The group was terrified but so interested. They wanted to know what they were saying so badly.

Natashas face had the same reaction as Bucky as she spotted Peter. Bucky then pointed at Peter with his metal arm and motioned him to come here.

Peter, of course complied out of fear and walked towards them.

The pair ruffled Peter's hair causing Peter to laugh.

They both finally had a genuinely happy. Bucky then said, "How are ya, kid?"

"Peter just responded with, "Great!" With a pure smile.

Natasha and Bucky gave a lesson about self defense if they're ever in trouble.

Soon after Bucky and Natasha left to probably freshen up. They just trained for around three hours.

When they left, Steve gave a speech about righteousness and a few demonstations about how he uses his shield.

Peter was horrified as he knew what came next.

A presentation from his dad! Flash is definitely going to say something stupid.

They all walked ti what looked like a conference  room. And they all rushed to get infront as they saw Pepper and Tony Stark sitting in the front Patiently.

Janelle then mentioned. "Today you have the pleasure of meeting and asking the two behind the business. Count yourself luckier."

Yeah lucky for sure.

"Well I'm more behind the current business. Tony however is having twelve percent contribution so far." Pepper said.

They both chuckled as Tony began to speak, "Go ahead and ask us any questions you would like."

It's already been about 23 questions in when the pair finally picked on Flash.

"This will be the last question of the day. So please make it good." Pepper said

"Do you think I could get an internship here?"

Tony kindly replied with, "No we only allow college kids to have an internships." Peter's stomache set in deeply. He knew what was going to happen next.

"HA. See Penis Parker was lying all along!" Flash yelled.

"What did you call our son!?" Pepper and Tony said in sync.

"S-son?" Flash said shuddering. The class was also frozen in shock.

"Yeah. And what ever chance you thought you had getting an internship here is now gone. You will never have a chance here." Tony Scolded.

"This tour is over. Janelle, could you please lead them down? And if I hear a word about Oeter being our son on social media. I will Publically destroy you. Have a good day kids!"

Janelle just nodded and motioned for the kids to follow her.

Peter stayed behind, indicating he was going to stay. Mr. Harrison decided not to protest and to walk away.

He was still going to be heard by the school board. Which put a smile on Peter's face.

Once everyone was gone, Pepper said, "Sorry we ruined your tour, Pete."

"Its okay. You made it better. You should of seen the face of Flash. Now I know he will not accuse me of lying about the internship."

Tony just nodded with a grin and they all walked to the Elevator.

They reached the Penthouse, and the rest of the day flowed by as it normally would.

Thank you for reading! This is my first one-shot book so I hope you like it. Comment and vote. Please leave a request here. I will do that next!

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