Baby Boy

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Heres a little short ;)

It was just a normal day when...

"Hey no no no" Tony said in a real hurry. Walking away from the open fridge and towards his kid. He was looking for his recently made anti aging serum.

You see, he was wondering how Scott looked so young at the age 49. Man..that guy never ages... Back to the topic!

The serum...looks like milk.

So Bruce and Tony made a joke and put it in the fridge.

Well...he opened it. And it was gone.

He rushed to get into the room, "pEter!"

The father soon reached the room. And whipped the door open.

At first he was awe strucked at what he saw.

Tony saw a bowl cereal and...

A baby next to it.

Oversized clothes were fitted at the grumpy looking baby. The hair was brown, as were his eyes.

"Oh god...this is definitely Peter."

He quickly rushed to the kid sitting in the bed.
"Jesus kid...are you okay?"

"Mo! obiousy mot! Wook aa me!"
The baby said with his stubby arms crossed.
(No! Obviously not! Look at me)

Tony couldnt help but laugh. Peter was absolutely adorable. With Tony only being Peter's adoptive parent, he has never actually seen him as a kid.

"Daaa! Fic laeing. Mo fummy!"
Tony burst out into more chuckles. He understood what his kid was saying.
(Dad! Fix this. No laughing. This isn't funny!")

All of the sudden Peter started crying loudly.
"Uhhh. Friday! Call Pepper!" Tony yelled frantically.

"She is in a meeting sir." The AI replied.

"Call the wait.. Anybody but them!" Tony rushed. He tried cradling Peter in his arms and Peter wouldn't stop crying.

"Contacting Avengers..." Friday answered.

"What!? I just said anybody but them!"

"Sorry sir. But I sent put Emergency 14567. They are on the way."

Five minutes of crying later...

"Tony were here!" Steve's voice rang.

"Peter's room sir" Friday informed the avengers.

"Peter's room?" Natasha asked skeptically.

They made their early towards the room and heard...crying?

..from a baby?

They reached the open door. They all laughed at the sight.

A baby who looked like the baby version if Peter had snot all over his face and Tony's shirt.

It was amazing.

Tony's face was full of distraught.

But the baby...was absolutely adorable.

Natasha used her spider mom instincts to calm Peter down

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Natasha used her spider mom instincts to calm Peter down.

The others were most definitely surprised. To how a Person can switch from a deadly demeanor to a loving mother in seconds.
It only took what..

...a week to fix it..

Well it soon died down and this would now just be another funny story to tell.

Lmao idk how write baby talk.
Hope you enjoyed.
This is more of a filler. Hands of a Murderer Part two is taking a while.

Comment here if you want me to do a continuation like...

Peppers reaction to the accident

Remember how it took a week?
I could do babysitting days.

Day one - Tony and Pepper

Day two - Uncle Steeb

Day three - Clint and his family :)

Day four - Auntie Nat and Uncle Buckaroo

Day five - Good ole uncle Rhodey

Something like that...

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