Hands Of Murderer Part Two

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Mini game ;)
How old do you think I am?
This one is a but boring.
I might do a double postnext week tho.
Now let's get a move on :)

~At the tower~

Tony looked around at the Avenger filled room.

Natasha was sitting at the kitchen stool, drinking her dark coffee as usual. Steve was dozing off on the couch. They never really saw him sleep. He was always up early and up late, so they figured they would let the man rest.

Pietro was on his new Stark Phone play Galaga, while Wanda was reading a book with Vision next to her.

Clint was at the edge of the room facetiming his family. He had promised to retire, but could never commit to it.

Sam was tinkering his wing pack. He was in full concentration, which made Tony want to scare his so badly. The temptation was unreal and he was seriously about to do it.

Bucky was still in cryo, back in Wakanda. It was like he wanted to stay like that, no one knew why. It put a bad toll on Steve. He found out his old bestfriend was still alive, but only wanted to be hidden away.

Banner and Thor were still missing. Thor was probably on Asgard ruling his planet. Banner was nowhere to be found. They searched anywhere they possibly could. It's already been a three years so they had lost hope. He may even be dead.

Well, he did have a reason to come up here. He had a question that he almost completely forgot. No one even noticed he was standing there, well besides Nat.

But finally Tony spoke."Have any of you heard from Peter?" His tone was quite concerning to the others.

"No, why?" Natasha asked raising her brow.

Tony was about to speak but was inturrupted by the speed child.

"Is there something wrong with our fake brother?" Pietro said with his heavy accent wierdly gone. His smile indicated it was a joke, but everybody knew the two treated eachother like real brothers.

Wanda raised her head when she heard that. Her thoughts snapped away from her eventful book. Yet, Vision helped to make sure she wouldnt loose her spot.

Instead of Wanda talking, the awake avengers looked up a Tony to answer Pietros question.

"He hasnt texted Happy or any of us in two weeks" Tony said, now scrolling through his phone.

"I'm sure he is fine." Sam mentioned. His focus left the wing pack, as his eyes met Tonys.

"But the kid is usually persistent, there isnt a day that goes by where he doesnt text me" Tony isnisted.

"Sam is probably right for once. He could just be dealing with normal teenage problems, so just calm down." Natasha shrugged.

After that Tony didnt think much of it either. The kid could obviously take care of himself.

"If you say so." Tony said walking away from the group and back into his lab. He just wanted some form of confirmation.

-o n e d a y l a t e r-

Tony really had nothing to do. So he went back into the common room.

He first went into the kitchen to grab coffee.

The couch was unoccupied so he collapsed into it.

He grabbed a holographic remote and switched the TV on. He obviously could of asked Friday, but he figured it was rude and lazy.

The sounds of the TV erupted from the speakers. "Back to you Elise-"

"Ugh, news." He was about to flip the channel when a very familiar face appeared on the screen.

Well you could actually say a familiar mask.

He stayed on the channel, hoping to hear good news.

The other avengers began to pile in the room, as if planned. They went to do their normal every day agenda, but were mentally stopped by the next few words of the news reporter.

"Thank you Janelle. As you have probably noticed, our beloved neighborhood Spiderman has dissappeared."


"It has been two weeks since the last sighting of him. Crime rates have gone up ten percent in the mealtime. What happened to him? Is he dead? Or did he just get bored of it? Will we find out soon?"

"Okay something is definitely off." Tony finally said.

"I dont know Tony." Steve shrugged.

"Maybe he just got bored of it." Sam inadvertently said.

"I doubt that kid would ever. He made a crashing plane he was on, land into a spot where no one would get hurt. He wouldnt just give it up like that."

"I agree with Tony. Not to mention that it gives no explanation to why he stopped having contact with us." Wanda added.

All of them seemed to be in agreement.

"It was like he wanted to dissappear, and not be found." Pietro mentioned.

"Like he wanted to dissappear from our lives." Clint attached.

"Plus he cant just do that out of nowhere." Tony said with disbelief in his face.

"But we do know someone that can." Steve said crossing his arms.

All of their attention turned to Natasha at the kitchen stool. She was sipping her coffee and reading a book called "Deadly Blood". Her head turned up as she felt all eyes on her.

"She could if she wanted to." Clint said shrugging.

She stood up and said.
"Alright guys. Lets find this spider."

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