Medicine 3

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Enjoy, I guess.

I dunno, I'm a little sad rn.

I am going to take a break, just for a bit.

School and unresolved drama (with stress)  has clawed it's way back into my life. I will come back, hopefully before school ends. So I will probably be back before summer break. I'm sorry, I really want to devote more time into this, but I'm just really busy.

Btw this is the last part of the "Medicine" chapters.


"Oh now, I'm going to have to beat you up." Flash says carelessly.

"I'd like to see you try." Peter smirked.

The class was still in shock.

Flash instantly got up and went for a punch.

But Peter caught it before it even came close to his face.

Flash's eyes dilated, once he saw the look on Peter's face.


Peter grabbed Flash's head and smashed his head into the table, sure to leave a dent.

The class practically screamed when it happened.

Yet, "Oops." Was all Peter had said.

His class mates looked at him completely confused, as he faked frowned and let out the words "I'm sorry, did hurt you?"

"Fuck off" Flash yelped, attempting to still act tough.

Peter looked to his classmates as he continued the phrase, "It seems Flash can't seem to learn his lesson. Should I teach him some more?"

The other students, for some reason endorsed Flash getting beat up. But Ned had a worried expression plastered across his face, worried Peter would "accidentally" put Flash in a coma.

'Peter can't expose his secret identity' also traced Ned's mind.

Right when, Peter went in for another punch, Ned rushed over and stood in front of Flash.

But that that was not what caught the students attention.

What had, was the late teacher busting through, yelling, "Stop!"

And that's exactly what they did.

Everything was silent until the Mr. Harrison yelled, "Peter, Flash and Ned! Principals office! Now!"

Peter grumbled but followed directions. Flash scoffed and shook his head as he followed. Ned incoherently said, "Why have ya'll forsaken me?"

They sat in 3 out of the 7 chairs outside the office.

A counselor walked up to then and said they were going to call their parents.

*20 minutes later*

By then, Flash was already sent home with two days suspension.

Ned, was sent back to class due to his innocence.

But no one had showed up for Peter.


Peter began to think Pepper would never shown up.

Only one minute leter, like magic, the counselor said someone had shown up for him.

He walked in expecting to see Pepper, but to his surprise, it was Tony Stark.

He stood frozen.

Peter awkwardly sat down, in the chair next to Tony.

"Your...*ahem* son, had deliberately got inti a fight with another student." The principal said.


"Yes. A student witnessed, he had even smashed the other student's head into a table."

Tony's eyebrows has risen. "What have you called me in for?"

"We need to discuss Peter's punishment. I've seen his file, and considered what happened. His friend Ned confirmed it. We will give him two days suspension. The other student got the same punishment, seeing as he provoked the problem. You are welcome to take him home now."

"Okay" Tony simply responded with.

"Just sign here" the principal said, as he pointed to the paper.


The walk to the car may be awkward, but the actual car ride was worse.

"What were you thinking!? Not taking your meds!" Tony yelled, both hands on the wheel.

"It was an accident! I forgot!" Peter defended himself.

"How could you forget? Huh?"

"I don't know. Its called not remembering. It was in the morning, and I sort of went patrolling late..." Peter said, saying the last part quieter.

"Patrolling!? Are you kidding me, its dangerous!" Tony yelled.

"Dangerous!? I've been doing this a long time." Peter scoffed.

Tony rolled his eyes., "You know what I'm dissapointed-"

Before Tony could finish, Peter said, "No! Just no! You are not going to play 'dissapointed dad' on me. You sure as hell werent acting like one before today! I literally haven't seen you in three months, as you hide yourself in the lab! Do you think you really have the right to judge me!?"

"I'm grieving Peter!"

"What do you think the rest of us are doing!? Why do you think I even have to take medication!?" Peter exclaimed.

"All of my friends died! Of course I would hole myself up in the lab."

"Natahsa, Steve, Bruce and Thor are dead. We have to live with that. In fact they sacrificed their lived for yours." Peter admitted.

"That exactly why in guilty!" Tony reprived.

"No, that's exactly why you shouldn't waste the chance they gave you!" Peter said, clearly frustrated.

"Well they really shouldn't have!" Tony yelled louder.

"They saw potential. They saw you could still do more. So please do!"

"I can't!"

"You can try." Peter coerced

"Maybe, I will." Tony tried to say with attitude

"Good, because I'm done being patient with you."

"Has it really been that long?" Tony asked.

"Yes, but just spend more time with mom, she actually misses you."

"Wow, someone misses me?" Tony said jokingly.

"Yeah, I dont even know why she would." Peter said sarcastically.

"Hey you want to watch a movie? For old times sake."

"Yeah, I'd really like that" Peter said with a  smile.


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