Sister in-law?

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Unknowns pov

"Where is she?" I ask feeling my anger slowly rising. " I asked you to do one simple thing and yet you failed me! " I say while throwing the rogue across the office.

"I'm sorry Alpha but-"

"But nothing!" I say as I walk towards him ready to end his life.

He cowers away like a coward and says "Alpha, I... I... know where she is." And that makes me halt in my steps.

" I'm listening and for your sake you better be telling the truth." I growl.

"S-h.... She... She's in the Moonstone pack." He stammers.

"Take this filth to the dungeons until we confirm what he has told us" I say to my warriors as I take a sit behind my desk planning my revenge.


Aprils pov.

"April?April?" I hear my mate calling me.

"Hmm" I answer.

"You need to get up now. Breakfast is ready." He says.

"Do I have to?" I ask childishly.

"Yeah." He says and even though my eyes are closed I know that he's smiling.

I slowly open my eyes and take in the sight of my new room at daylight... Its beautiful..

I turn to my left and see Jason looking at me with an amused expression.

"Come on. The food's gonna get cold." He says and that reminds me of last night.

"I feel like you are on a mission to fatten me up. I mean dinner and now breakfast. What are you trying to do?" I say as I get out of bed and follow him.

"Well, if you must know I googled it." He says.

"Googled what?" I ask confused.

"Ways to win a woman's heart" he says seriously.

"Why on earth would you google that?" I ask laughing.

"Its pretty simple. I want to win my mates heart." He says and my heart begins beating  a little bit faster.

"By food?" I ask.

"By food"He confirms.

He leads me to the dining room where he has set up a table of various foods : Scrambled eggs, Bacon ,Sausages ,Bread and   finally I see a flask which I'm guessing either has tea or coffee.

" Thanks " I mutter as he pulls out a seat for me.

"Any time." He says as he sits on the other side of the table, directly opposite from me.

We say grace and then we dig in. Its been a while since I ate anything like this so you really can't blame me when I finish it all in under five minutes.

By the way, there was white coffee in the flask❤❤❤

"Wow. What an appetite!" He says more to himself but I catch it.

I playfully hit his shoulders and pinch his cheek with a childish expression on my face..

"They are so cute!! Take a picture quickly!" I hear someone say and I turn around to see who..

I'm met with the sight of Dylan and Esmeralda looking at us adorable with Dyl holding up a phone taking pictures. That makes me drop my hand immediately.

"Oh no! Don't stop on our account" Esmeralda says.

"What are you doing here sis?" Jason asks as he gets up to go greet them.

"Come on! Am I not allowed to come see my sister in-law?" She says while walking towards me with her arms wide open.

Seriously? Sister in-law?

I step out of my chair and I give her a hug.

"Ca....Can't... Breathe!" I wheeze out.

"Oh. Sorry.. I just got a little excited." She says as she lets me go.

The air is tense between Jason and Dylan. Well, Jason looks like he's gonna kill Dyl any minute now and Dylan just ignores him.

"Hey beautiful." Dyl says as I walk towards him.

"Hey handsome! " I say playing along as I hug him.

"Hey! You never call me that!" Jason says and that makes me burst out laughing.

"I've only known you for like what? A day?" I say stepping out of Dyls embrace.

"Anyway, I'm going to steal April for the day. Jason I'm leaving you  in charge." Esmeralda says while dragging me out of the door.

"Where are you taking her? Where are you guys going?" Jason asks.

She just ignores him.

"Seriously where are we going?" I ask curiously.

"We are going to have sister bonding time." She says as she gets into her car. I don't know what type it is because I was to busy surviving to know the different car models in the world.. Sue me!


Hey guys!

I know the update is late and I'm truly sorry for that... I've just been super sick but hopefully the updates will be more frequent from now on.

I hope you liked it 🙂

Thanks so much for 3.9k+ reads ! You guys are the best ❤

Next update will be on Tuesday.



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