Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

Dead road

Seeing ourselves in a condition whether to live or to die for the succeeding nine months, it is so hard to believe that we need to go through this just to make it out alive. These people I came with has the only one mindset in this game, to be one of the Licit People.

"You won't catch me!" I exclaimed, increasing the speed of my motorbike.

"Don't make yourself so proud, Dylan!" Cha shouted, and seeing Al beside her inside the truck.

"I bet you don't," I smirked and revved up the speed, putting up the meter rises into seventy kilometers per hour. I'm driving ahead of them and they are trying to reach me, but the truck's weight was keeping them slow but I don't think, Cha will give up that easily.

Leaving the glass jungle, we bound to get nowhere, and now we reach this deserted long highway which we thought has no end but at every kilometer we reach, signage was saying a city called, The Green Land—and that's where we're heading now.

A loud horn coming from the truck shocked me. When I try to look back to them, they were laughing, as if seeing me in that embarrassing really had their best moment. But it isn't over yet. I put more acceleration to my motorbike which reaches its high meter.

"Woohoo!" whooping at the top of my lungs, the wind was blowing right into my face but it doesn't care how I found this thing exciting even in amidst of trouble. As I keep the pace from them, seeing the horizon at the end which will be the next city, something horrible came up.

An unexpected aversion flew me over the high-speed motorbike, I hear the screech and saw it tumbling away from me and see the motorbike parts everywhere and not in the minute, it comes with an explosion and watched it burn into pieces.

I tried to help myself but there is pain everywhere. I get bruises on my arms and legs. The breathe I am taking were shallow and rapid. The tense I get from that situation almost lead me to the end of my way. I just couldn't believe that I could be dead at that moment. I grunted thinking how I became so reckless.

I just sit upright, conditioning myself to move.

The truck was slowly stopping, and as they have seen the accident earlier, they immediately took off the truck and hastily come to help me. Al tried to touch me but I yelled at him to not continue doing it. He took a deep breath, shaking his head.

"Oh, don't do that, Al. I know it's my fault." I condescend him before they would blame me, 'cause it is all my idea, my plan, and my fault.

"I didn't say that, Dylan." Al inanely said. "And it's not your fault." He added.

I sighed, and shift my eyes to my motorbike which cannot be used again because technically it is burnt and the parts already flew anywhere. I felt Cha's pat on my shoulder, I looked at her and she handed her hand to help me to stand from being slack on the floor. I caught her hand, Al also helped me to get up but I could still feel the ache of my body trauma.

"I don't think it is your fault." Cha murmured but enough to get our attention.

My forehead creased and confused. "How can you say that?" I asked.

"Maybe..." I looked at Al, composing his thoughts. "I don't know... I can see from where we are how safe you drive even though it is at high speed."

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