Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

My condition

I started by explaining to them what dreadlock girl just did. From the beginning, she confronted me inside the medical room, threatened my life and all she does when I won't give what she asked for. Of course, they wouldn't let go about the earpiece and I told them what it is for and why would she give it to me unless there is something she planned along the way.

"And what about this movement she was talking about? Are they planning to sabotage the High Council's rebirth process? That's too impossible to happen when they have higher security that would prevent anyone to destroy it. That makes no sense at all." Al said.

Cha smirked, "I agree on Al. If this movement would keep us from getting into the Noble Land, I wouldn't support it."

I took a deep breath, "Guys, listen." I said and they put their attention on me, "I think this isn't some kind of normal movements they were taking—as a matter of fact, she told me something about my brother—"

I was interrupted when Cha speaks, "we didn't know you had a brother."

"I didn't tell anyone," I claimed, "and that's why I have no idea where she gets that."

"Maybe she was just making it, so you can fall on her trap, Dy."

"I don't know..." I said, shaking my head and let out a sighed. "But if she was saying the truth, what about it now?"

Al shrugged off his shoulder, "if you believe her it's on you, but don't trust her that easily... well, I'm just saying so you won't get your ass in trouble, Dy."

"I know, Al." I sighed, "maybe she was getting me and put me down after. You know what happened at the rooftop, she almost killed us."

"But if her movement was to give justice to Null People... I would be glad to support them... for my sister." She murmured her last words. "Oh, don't mind me guys. Can we just finish our foods, we won't be having like this once we're out on the field again." She said, her smiles were giving me doubt that she's okay with the situation.

We continued to eat the food they serve on us. The noise was only just coming from the utensils, and some are soft noises from their chitchats. When I almost finish my food, Cha excuses herself to go to the restroom. Al and I look at each other as we got the same thought about Cha. It could be her sister. When she talked to me about the moment a dead girl found on the landfill, I never forget that day. Normally, in Waste Land getting trouble between Null People have been adopted by the nature of everyone but getting the news that the dead girl comes from the Noble Land, it's another issue that overwhelms everyone over Waste Land.

It is just basically that Licit People are also dirty—they just didn't show it, but they are. Corrupt, manipulator and a garbage system.

When I'm done of food, I stood up from sitting. Al immediately stopped and asked, "where are you going, Dylan?"

"I'm gonna check, Cha," I said.

He nodded, "okay, I'll stay here but please, get her soon. They will send us back on the field half an hour."

"Sure, be right back."

I headed towards where the restroom is. But by getting there, I get to pass where the dreadlocked girl sits. She just gives me a look and I just look away from her. I don't know what she's into, or if she's really giving some agenda to put down the High Council —because if she does, I would join but I hesitated on the fact that she almost killed us. I can believe her words but maybe, it was all lies. I couldn't risk it this time.

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