Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Think out of the box

I wake up in silence, I didn't bother to rise up from the bed 'cause the only thing that pops right into me was, what the hell happened to me? I couldn't master being alone and deafened by silence and so I slowly get up and put my feet on the ground to get the balance, but on the other hand, I felt slight dizziness. I just closed my eyes for a few seconds and took a deep breath to contemplate my system.

When I feel it is okay to move, I open my eyes and stood up from the bed. There's the curtain dividing my bed space. I slowly parted the curtains to see what's on the other side but when I get to see what's on it, I came out of it and saw the whole room. It is like an emergency room where every patient filled the beds. The curiosity had me, I walk towards every curtain to know if someone is there but when I did, no one. At least one of them isn't vacated.

I headed to the door, it automatically open when it senses a human intervention. I didn't hesitate to go out and search for another way out. I could totally sense that there's something wrong. Like, where's the people here? Al and Cha?

Another hallway greeted me. Both ends have more hallways and I don't know which way to go. From the right side, I can sense a dark aura on it and I think it is not good to visualize those things but on the other side, blinding light would tell that it is safe and good to lead the way there. But I remember what my Mom told, looks can be deceiving, it doesn't always apply into peoples appearance but can be on places such as this.

What you perfectly see insight doesn't always come up how good it is, it never was.

I chose to lead the dark side. The risk for myself went up high. I know how dangerous choosing the wrong side but you won't be sure 'till you know it. I walked towards the right side of the hallway and getting through deep of it, makes me feel so anxious. The lights were flickering and somehow stopped causing the pathway enveloped in darkness. I stopped in motion, didn't move and just feel what might happen. My chest was at a rapid rate, I tried to calm myself for some time.

Fuck, Dy, let's get out here.

A little more time, I stayed in silence. Hearing only my breathing got me alarmed when the next noises are coming from the opposite end of the hallway. A mechanical sound was getting louder. I came to a decision to look out what's coming for me, I let myself out in the dark groping what's ahead. When I get a sight of it, I hurriedly run back towards the darkness and let it eat me.

What's happening here? A robot battalion?!

When I'm bound to reach the end of the hallway, I really don't have any idea which way to go or if there's any way of getting out. I shouted at both hallways, on my left side there's an echo filling the room and on the other side, it feels like a dead end. And running isn't the answer again. I decided to stay in my position, I sat down the floor and waited for the robot battalion to come. Their movements were giving the mechanical sound. How in the world would they let a battalion roam around the hall? Or maybe... the High Council is gone and took by this new generation? But that's too impossible to think. High Council has its ways to evade their destruction.

It doesn't take long when my surroundings come in silence. I stood up from sitting and realizing that none of the battalions reached my direction. I keep asking myself what's going on but I won't get an answer doing that. The electricity goes back and one by one, the lights on the ceiling restored its current. That's when I notice, the battalion is gone and it's like they were never there. But that's a good sign, I think.

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