Chapter 42

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Chapter 42

Join the movement

While I keep seeing my family happy and somehow hurt in some ways, I couldn't look at them. I was trying not to look on the painful side but I don't have any choices that it will always gonna take me there no matter what decisions I have been made. All I need is to take a leap and all our hard works will be paid off someday. And I know that 'cause I'm not giving up for my family.

"My son," my Mother called me, we're on the living room in our little slum house in the Waste Land. We just don't care how this world would put us into despair and let our ways choose our path. I'm just happy that I'm with my family and I think that's all that matters. I stood up from slouching and walk towards her.

"What is it, Mom?" I asked. And look at the table she's been at, she's preparing for our lunch.

"I don't have any potatoes here if you don't mind, would you buy me some?"

I nodded, "of course, Mom."

"I'll be right back," I said but she stopped me before heading out.

"Here's some money."

I shook my head and rejected the money on her hands. "No, I still have some on my pocket, Mom. It will do. Save that up." And she smiles as she responded on me. "I gotta go now."

"I wanna come!" and my little brother immediately runs to me, but I laugh to his excitement. "No, no, little buddy. You gotta stay inside. You might be hurt when you get out, it is not a playground for kids like you."

He pouted, as if, pleasing me with his kindness that I should have him come with me but I know the world out there isn't safe for kids. There is so much terror, pain and things that will wreck and I hope he wouldn't experience that. 'Cause walking into that path wasn't good.

When I finally left off my little brother inside the house, I immediately run away for him not to follow where I would go. I slow down and stopped from running when I notice I'm already far from home. I took a deep breath to keep me hanging and exhale it after. The next thing I did were finding the store where some vegetables could be bought.

While heading to the stores, I found some people who are having some gossips and I have heard some words they're uttering. It is like 'movement' was the word they were exchanging into the conversation. But that didn't bother me after all and continue to do what my Mother asked me to do.

As I reach the store, I immediately pick some good potatoes and buy it. But when the vendor gives the plastic bag to me, he started to ask me a few things.

"How old are you, kid?" he asked.

"18 years old, why do you asked that?"

He nodded, "oh, so you're going into the next year process of rebirth?"

"Yeah, I hope so." I smirked, "thanks." I said as I grab the plastic from his hands.

"Wait!" he called me out, and I looked back into him. "I have heard some people that they are recruiting some people to join their movement. If you would like to see what's inside there, have this." He handed over a piece of paper saying the name of the place where the movement takes place.

"I don't think I would," I said, declining his offer.

"You're doing a wrong decision, kid. Do you want a better life, have this? There's no harm in knowing what's inside right?"

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