Chapter 11

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"It's like being locked in a basement or something," you complain. Six days in, and you're still feeling the withdrawal effects of being cut off from all technology.

Rosa raises an eyebrow. "Pretty nice basement."

She has a point. The seven of you - Irina wasted no time in befriending the stable staff, and is currently taking advantage of what she called "a perfect riding day" - are sitting on a blanket in the field behind the castle. Not exactly a picnic, since you have no food, but it's better than the alternative of sitting in your room (you probably would have stayed inside your room anyway, if Sapphire hadn't invited you - she looked so excited, you couldn't refuse). And the weather is stunning - clear blue skies, not too sunny, and a suspicious lack of insects.

You can see almost everything from here, with the exception of the fences. That was the lesson your second day - geography, by way of studying maps of the palace grounds. Between the gardens, the open fields, the lake, the surrounding woods, and the castle itself, the whole thing encompasses nearly 1000 acres of land. You're surprised they'd even bother with fences - even just getting that far seems impossible - but they're there, three stories high and electric, to boot (the other exception to the "no technology" rule).

"No, it's definitely nice, but the fact that we're stuck here indefinitely? With no outside contact? Basement."

"Or a glass box," Rhea offers.

"A snow globe!" Sapphire chimes in. "Minus the snow."

"And with double-sided mirrors. They can see everything we do, and all we know is what's going on here."

You all turn to look at Li. "Wow," Rosa says. "That's deep."

She smiles, blushing. "Thanks."

"I love it here," Sapphire declares. "It's...different."

"I just wish my room had a better view," Juliette complains. "The courtyards are pretty, but it just makes me even more claustrophobic."

You jump in. "At least your room isn't that high up. I have to go up twelve flights of stairs!"

Rosa smirks. "Can't imagine what you must have done to annoy the king already. "

"The king?" None of you have mentioned his name in conversation yet. Even so far away from home, it feels taboo, too dangerous to say aloud. "What's that got to do with it?"

She nods slowly with wide eyes, as though talking to a two year old. "The king is the one who gave us our room assignments."

"I don't believe that," Li mutters. Rosa turns on her, eyes flashing.

"Oh, really? Wait until he meets us. I would be willing to bet money that the first girl to be sent home is the one with the room furthest from his."

"We don't have money," Rhea points out."

"Jewelry, then."

"Hm." Li's mouth twitches up in a smirk. "How about that necklace?"

Her hand immediately flys to grab it. It's a thin chain, long enough that it disappears under the neckline of her dress. "Not for sale."

"Your anklet, then."

"For the coronet you wore yesterday at breakfast? Done." The two shake on it.

"But how would he know?" You wrinkle your nose in confusion. "The contestants were chosen at random."

"Right." Rosa scoffs. "D'you really believe that?"

You look around. "Well, we're all of us pretty different."

" Exactly ," she replies. "A little too different, don't you think?"

All the other girls shake their head, except Rhea. "I see what you're saying," she says slowly.

"I still don't get it," you mutter.

Rosa glares at you. "Of course you don't. Care to explain, Rhea ?" Even sweet-tempered Rhea's name sounds like poison on Rosa's lips, but the other girl ignores it.

"Look around you, (Y/N). None of us are from the same country. You're sixteen, Li and Juliette are thirty, and the rest of us are scattered pretty evenly between the two. Here, you have girls not only from different cultural backgrounds, but with a mix of ages and appearances. It's desperately random; someone must have hand-picked us all. Make sure the king has some variety to choose from, you know?"

You nod, finally grasping the concept. "Well, I hate to limit the king's choices, but I'm getting out of here as soon as humanly possible."

Sapphire's jaw drops. "You'd give this up?"

"The chance to be the king's little...plaything? Yes, and gladly."

"You'd be a good sex slave, (Y/N)." You turn around, shocked to see who the speaker is - you don't think you've heard Lexie utter more than a few words all weekend. She shrugs, giggling. "Don't be offended or anything - I just mean you look the part. Innocent, you know? Corruptable. Guys dig that." You can't help but stare at her as she pulls a makeup compact from her pocketbook and applies a fresh coat of lip gloss, partially out of disbelief - what do you say to a comment like that? - and partially because you're just now noticing how pretty she is, how her cheeks dimple every time she smiles. All of the girls here are pretty, gorgeous, really, and you can't help but wonder why on Earth they'd have picked you, if they were really trying to give "the king" a good selection. No matter; it'll only be that much easier to get yourself sent home first.

You hope.


Everyone freezes. "Five minutes of peace," Rosa mutters. "Is that too much to ask?

Lady Amara sweeps towards your picnic, Walden and a maid at her heels. "Wonderful news! Is everyone here?"

"Lady Irina is at the stables," Sapphire pipes up. Lady Amara flicks a hand at the maid, who goes running - presumably to find Irina and tell her the "wonderful news."

"Now that that's taken care of, is everyone else accounted for?" You all nod. "Excellent. I hope you've all enjoyed the past few days of rest." That was rest? "His Majesty will be arriving tomorrow afternoon!"

You don't bother looking around you, but you're sure the other girls' faces reflect the same things you feel - anxiety, fear, and sheer terror, to name a few.

"Tomorrow evening, we will be celebrating his return with a bal masqué. You will have your first opportunity to display what you have learned in a public setting, and have your first interactions with His Majesty. You will be responsible for your own costumes, hair, and makeup - you will all, upon returning to your rooms, find a sketchbook and various artistic implements. Your maids will be there to assist you, and of course to create your costume once you have finished the design." You hear a faint murmur behind you - clearly, none of you were expecting to be tossed into an episode of Project Runway. "Though this is not a contest, your creation will be the first impression the public receives of your personal style, and of the image you are trying to portray." She consults her clipboard. "Let's see, what else... The eight of you will be dressing as animals - you may design your costumes however you'd like within that theme - and although the other guests will be masked, you will not, as you will be the centerpieces, shall we say, of the event. Any questions?" Nobody budges. "Excellent. I suggest you all head to your rooms to begin the creative process. Good luck!"

The Myriad Misadventures of a Midgardian Queen-In-Training || Loki x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora