Chapter 64

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"Your Majesty!" A guard pushes through the crowds of chattering people. "That is, Your Lordship. Your—er, sir?"

You bite back a laugh. Loki announced he'd be abdicating the throne all of two minutes ago—you can't blame this guard for being at a loss, as far as titles go. At least he's making an effort.


He bows his head, and presents you with a knife—the same one that was being held to your throat, also all of two minutes ago. "We were still unable to apprehend Lady Rhea, but we did find this at the entrance to the palace itself."

You take the knife by the handle as the guard excuses himself. Loki is all but fuming. "I'll go after her myself."

"And do what? Throw her in jail?"

"She nearly killed you."

"You—she's grieving her father, Loki." You can't say you're thrilled that Rhea somehow managed to escape the palace grounds, but you also can't find it in your heart to condemn her outright. "Let her try to be happy."

"She is armed and dangerous!" You hold up the knife and the fish fork in one hand, raising an eyebrow, and he sighs. "May I increase security, at the very least?"

"We can discuss it." You lower hand (the knife-free one) to take his, smiling. "We have a lifetime, after all."


Hey kiddo,

Well, tonight's the night! I know you can't answer this email until after the ball itself - for all I know, you'll be done packing your bags by the time you see this - but I just wanted to tell you, don't worry. We all know he has to send you home. I don't know how or why you made it to the top three, but at least the pay was good, right? I can't wait to see you home, kiddo. You can tell us all about your crazy adventures and how the hell you managed to stick around so long.

- Erik


Dear (Y/N),

I think we both know who's getting sent home tonight. And it's not going to be you.

Erik and your father are convinced that it's all a ruse, or some deal you made to keep the earnings coming in, but I know you. You would have been out of there as soon as the masquerade ball ended, if you had it your way, money be damned, and I wish you had.

But you didn't.

I'm not writing this to shame you, or say I'm disappointed in any way - sweetheart, you've made me so, so proud, in every way imaginable. Throughout this whole ordeal, you have stayed (mostly) mature, fierce, and completely true to yourself. That's not to say you haven't changed. You have. I can see that. But you're still you. You're just a newer version - a version that is genuinely in love. At least, you genuinely believe you're in love.

I know you two have had your ups and downs, and that your relationship is far from perfect. That's okay. But this is your first relationship - and before whatever comes next, sweetie, you need to think: is this really what you want? Truly?

Sweetheart, you're still so young. You can go to college, and write or dance or cure cancer or design clothes or do whatever you want to do. You have more than enough time to find love; you have a whole world ahead of you. Please don't just throw it away.

Still Rooting For You,

Mom <3


Dear Mom,

I did what you said. I took some time for myself, and I thought about it, and you're right. I do have a whole world ahead of me. I'm just choosing to keep him in it.





When you read this, the segment will probably just have broadcast. And I know you're going to have trouble understanding why I made the choice I did. But before I explain, you need to know that it was exactly that: a choice. I was not coerced, bribed, threatened, blackmailed, or forced in any way, shape, or form, to do what I had to. You deserve to know that.

I still love you and Mom and Dad and Carlie, and you are all, obviously, invited to the wedding. I hope you come. I hope you understand.




They do not understand.

Your family is still holding on to the feeling that you were taken from them, the feeling that you have been changed for the worse, rather than for the better. But that's okay for now, you realize. It's public, now, that Loki was a pawn in the invasion of New York, and you hope, you know that, with time, you'll rebuild your relationship with Mom and Dad and Erik. Carlie, of course, is already positively ecstatic to receive the news that you are now engaged.


It's a strange thing to process.

Stranger still, though, is the public—and political—reaction to Loki's announcement that he's planning to step down as king. Because in spite of his inauspicious beginning, there really have been some changes for the better. Reduced rates of everything from homelessness to hunger. Wars extinguished across the globe. And with the news that the initial invasion wasn't his doing, public opinion has taken a sharp left turn from "benevolent despot" to "benevolent," full stop.

It looks like you might end up being a queen, after all.

But there will be plenty of time for that. First, there are discussions to be had and treaties to draw up, charities to raise money for and (you're sure) a thousand more table settings to learn.

And there will be other, sweeter things, too, between the policies and wedding plans. Deep green eyes and open-mouthed laughs, starfalls and stolen kisses, and a steady hand to hold through it all.

You're ready.

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