Chapter 29

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Before Meg has a chance to come into the room, you've awoken to soft light streaming in between the drapes, and a feeling of lazy contentment. Despite the early hour, you feel awake and refreshed, and so rather than diving back under the covers, you surprise yourself by pushing them back and swinging your legs over the side of the bed, wincing slightly when your feet touch the cold floor.


You almost run to the window after that, slippers be damned. When you peek behind the heavy curtains, you almost gasp aloud, because instead of the usual sight of green pastures and flourishing gardens extending past the horizon, all you can see is white . White, coating the ground and bushes and trees, with flakes of it whispering through the air, and even a delicate pattern of frost clinging to your window. You trace it with your finger and are delighted to find the glass cold to the touch.

You're halfway dressed before you recall your conversation from the night before. Could this be...a gift? For me?

No, it couldn't be.

And think about his dates with the other girls. How you had worried something was wrong with you, that you had been seemingly excluded. But then his actions last night; his agreement to be your friend. Perhaps this was the result of that?


"Meg!" You rush over to embrace her, nearly tripping in your not-quite-laced dress. "Have you seen outside yet? Isn't it beautiful? I'm not sure how much I can do in a dress, but I have to go out before breakfast and lessons and everything, so if you could..." You notice a paper-wrapped bundle tucked neatly under her arm. "What's that?"

She smiles. "Pants, milady." Your jaw drops, and she chuckles, nodding. "I thought you would be excited for that. And afternoon classes have been cancelled - orders from His Majesty himself. I suppose as a treat for you all, with the holidays drawing nearer and all."

"Oh, my - pants? Seriously?"

You tear into the package. Five minutes later, you're geared up in as much warm clothing as possible, not even allowing yourself to be annoyed by the scratchy noise the pants produce when you walk. You bound down the stairs and, pushing the doors open, run a few steps into the front lawn before allowing yourself to fall backwards into the snowy blanket, your eyes falling shut.

"I take it you're pleased with the change?"

Without opening your eyes, you grin up at him. "You did this? Sorry, rhetorical question." When you look at him, you see he's smiling, too - a small smile, but a smile nonetheless. "Why? I mean, thank you, it's wonderful. But also, why?" He shrugs, and begins to walk away. "Loki?"

"Happy birthday, (Y/N)."

As he vanishes, you're knocked silent with happiness. Your cheeks are warm with excitement and stung by the cold, and something within your chest begins to glow, warm and sparkling and sweet.

Today is going to be a great day.

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