Chapter 13

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Meg whips about. "Yes, just about, Your Majesty." She takes a few steps forward so that she's standing in front of you, as you just about bury your face in the curtains.

"I need assistance with a report."

"Of course, Your Majes - "

He flicks a hand in her direction. "The other girl is still cleaning the drapes, is she not? She can help me when she's finished. You are dismissed." When she doesn't move, he looks up, clearly annoyed. "I said you may go."

Her gaze remains fixed on you. "Of course, Your Majesty. Thank you." You hear the door slam behind her, and now you're alone.

With him.

Dressed as a maid.

Well, this should be fun to try and explain your way out of.

"Your Majesty, considering I'm relatively new here, maybe I should, uh, call back Meg? She's probably better suited to do...whatever it is you need me to do."

"Come here."

You freeze. "Sorry?"

He rolls his eyes. "Are you hard of hearing, girl? I said, come here."

You comply, grateful for the first time that your cap is loose enough to cover your eyes. "Yes, Your Majesty?"

"Did I ask you to speak?"


"Your Majesty."

"Right. I mean, no, Your Majesty."

"How long have you been working here?" he asks, cocking his head. You keep your gaze on the floor, tucking in your chin.

"I-I started today."

"And how old are you?"


He frowns. "Do you live nearby?"

You shake your head. "No, my lord. I come from America."

"America? Why would you ever think of coming here to work?" You shrug, and he sighs. "Go back to the kitchens and send back someone more experienced. I suggest you return to your home country...what did you say your name was?"

Um, um, um... "Carlie. Your Majesty."

"Right." He turns back to the papers. "Go on."

He doesn't need to tell you twice.

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