Chapter 28

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He's there , damn it, reaching a hand down to pull you up, and you let him. He takes a minute to appraise you, in all your dirty, disheveled, nightgown-clad glory. "I must say, I'm surprised. You never struck me as the eavesdropping type."

"Eavesdrop - oh, my God, no, no, I just..." You pause, but honestly, you're too tired to lie even somewhat believably. "I couldn't sleep." Not untrue."You two just took me by surprise - I didn't want to get caught up past curfew."

He purses his lips, and you prepare yourself for the worst. "No, I suppose not. I imagine Lady Amara is fairly strict on the subject of beauty rest."

Oh, thank God. The joke relaxes you enough for you to try and riff off of it. "Yeah, gotta get your eight hours, you know?" You look down, feeling suddenly guilty. "I didn't mean to interrupt your date, though. Sorry about that."

"Quite alright. The evening was winding down at that point, so there wasn't much you could do to interrupt."

"Right." That makes you feel a little better, at least. "So, anyway, I'm going to head back to my room."

"Of course. May I escort you?"

"Sure? I mean, the company would be nice, but I don't want to keep you up later than necessary."

He smiles. "It's no hardship. Although, first..." He makes a vague gesture.

You look down, and realize that in addition to your earth-stained pajamas, your arms are covered in tiny scratches, a couple of which were bleeding. You nod your consent, and after a familiar green glow, the marks fade away, along with the sting. "Thanks."

As you start your way back through the garden, a light breeze blows through, shaking loose some petals from a nearby tree. They cascade gently down, dancing against your skin, and in the pale light of the moon the flurry almost reminds you of...



"It's winter, right? Out in real world?"

He laughs at that. "In the Northern Hemisphere, yes."

"Right. I miss snow. It's been over a year since I've seen any. I used to be able to feel it - you know, that smell in the air when winter's coming? Really crisp, and clean, and the air gets cold so that your face goes a little numb, and then you go indoors where there's heat and the warmth kind of seeps back into you, and - " You stop, self-conscious of the fact that you're rambling. Again. "Yeah. That."

When you look up, though, he doesn't look annoyed or impatient at all. More just...amused. But not in a condescending way. "You wouldn't grow bored? Cooped up inside all day?"

You stare at him a moment. "I mean, the idea would be to go outside. Snowball fights, snowmen, snow angels, general frolicking..."

"I was under the impression that most people avoided snow...avoided the cold as much as possible." His voice grows quiet. "At least, that has been my experience."

He sounds sad. You're not sure what to do with that. "Oh. Well..." You nudge him in what you hope is a playful way. "Welcome to planet Earth, my friend."


His surprise makes you laugh. "We talk, pretty regularly. We've argued a few times. I helped you defeat a squadron of shapeshifting aliens." You shrug." I'd say that just about qualifies us as friends, don't you?"

When he speaks again, there's a hint of a smile in his voice. "I suppose so."

"Then it's settled." You extend a hand, and he grabs it to shake. "Friends."


You've reached the stair leading up to your room. "Well, this is my stop," you joke. You elbow him gently one last time. "Thanks for walking me back."

He bows slightly - ever the formal one , you think. "The pleasure was mine."

You smile back at him, and then turn back around to start the trek up.

"And, er, (Y/N)?"

You don't turn to look at him. "Yes?"

"Thank you. For your friendship."

It's a strange, almost awkward way of phrasing it...but it's also sweet. Very sweet. You giggle, feeling a sort of tenderness take hold of your heart -or maybe it's just how tired I am - as you respond. "Likewise."

Falling back into your bed, you feel...different somehow. You can't quite put your finger on it, but... I don't know .

That is, you do. You're just not sure if you're ready to admit it to yourself.

I...I actually want to be his friend.

There. You thought it.

It's not a huge revelation, perhaps - no grand declaration of feelings. But you had never expected that you would ever be friends with the new king of Midgard, let alone that you'd ever want to be.

You like him. You enjoy his humor, and his (newly emerging) kindness, and his company overall. And in spite of the fact that part of you still misses home more than actually feel safe here. Your newfound platonic affection for His Royal Highness has this place feeling more like a home than ever before. Your mind races with possibilities - maybe I can help him pick a good wife from the remaining girls. Maybe I have the potential to do some good here after all.

That night, you fall asleep smiling.

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