Chapter 39

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Your world feels like it's falling apart, so it's extra comforting to find Steven exactly where you'd expect him to be—outside his locker in an empty hallway. Since you'd known him, he always had found some way to get his lunch/free period to happen during one of the morning class slots, rather than later in the day, and as a result, he would be on his own for a while as the rest of the school suffered through classes. It's something you're especially grateful for right now. It was hard enough to slip past the security guards (we have those now?) and the ladies at the front desk in your dress and jewelry; the last thing you wanted or needed was for all the kids you never liked in high school crowding around to ogle you in your weird, out-of-place, old-fashioned getup.
    You see him before he sees you. He takes a book out of his locker, and is turning to put it in his backpack when he looks up. It's clear in his eyes that it takes him a moment to recognize you the way you look now, and it breaks your heart a little, but you push that thought back and do your best to bury it under the gratitude at getting to see your best friend for the first time in forever.
    You nod wordlessly. And then, perfectly, you both move towards each other at the same time.  He squeezes you so tight that you hear a joint or two crack, and you feel like crying because finally, finally you've found someone who will make you feel like you're in the right place again. Like you're home for real.
    "What are you doing here?" he asks when you finally break apart. Steven has never been one for subtlety, and you press a finger to your lips to indicate that he should be a bit more quiet. Classes will be going on for a while before the bell rings, and you don't want to draw any attention to yourselves. "Sorry."
    "No worries." Muscle memory urges you to pop a squat on the floor right there, criss-cross applesauce, the way you did a million times a million years ago. Unfortunately, the underskirts prevent the speed needed to plop down in that exact manner, so you stay standing for the moment. "Surprise visit, I guess. I'm here for two weeks."
    "Well, it only took you two years..."
    "Listen, it's not like it was my choice. You know if I could have come back sooner, I would have in a heartbeat." He doesn't answer. You tilt your head. "You do know that, right?"
    "Of course. Sorry, I just missed you."
    "Me too." You wring your hands, feeling the loss of the earlier comfort. Something has shifted out of place, but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. "So, you have school for a while longer, but do you want to meet up later today? We can..." You rack your brain for ideas. What things were there to do in your town last time you were here? How much has changed since then? "It doesn't matter where we go, we can just sit somewhere and talk. You have two years worth of gossip to tell me about."
    He hesitates. "I'm actually busy later."
    "That's cool!" You do your best to temper your disappointment. "I didn't exactly give you a lot of advance notice."
    He becomes even more apologetic, somehow. "Rain check."
    "Of course, of course." You nudge him playfully. "So, busy...a date?" He doesn't answer, and you barely hold back a shriek. "Oh, my goodness, it is a date! With who? I need names! Anyone I remember?" He forces a smile. "Fine, I'll guess..."
    "Do you remember Annabel Wilkes?"
    You can almost hear a freeze-frame record-scratch noise go off in your head. "Annabel Wilkes? Queen Bee Annabel Wilkes?"
    "She's not—"
    "Made-my-life-miserable Annabel Wilkes? Are you kidding me?"
    "She's changed, (Y/N). You thought we would all stay exactly the same?"
    "No, I—"
    "Because you sure as hell didn't."
    The shift in attack shakes you. "What?"
    Cue an eye roll. "You don't think you've changed? At all?"
    "Well, I mean, yeah, obviously everyone changes over two years—"
    He shakes his head. "No. (Y/N), you're different. Really different."
    "I'm still me."
    "You're wearing a ballgown."
    You look down. "This is actually more of a day dress..." It comes out automatically, but you trail off as you realize you're only emphasizing his point. "Okay, fine, but deep, deep down, it's still me. It's's just me-in-a-ball-gown now."
    "Yeah." After a long, long moment, he opens his mouth, and you're terrified of what he might say next. "You seriously have to wear those the entire time you're home?"
    It takes you a moment to realize he's kidding. Once you do, the relief crashes over you like a tsunami. "Nah, I just didn't get a chance to change before I left home."
    "No way you were in that much of a rush to see me."
    "Don't flatter yourself I got into a little fight with Erik, and I just...I needed to clear my head."
    He snorts. "Now that's the (Y/N) I know."
    You both are quiet for a moment. Finally, without looking at you, he says, "The bell's going to ring soon."
    "I should get out of here, then."
    You look up. "Are we..."
    "Yeah." He meets your gaze, and manages a smile. A genuine one. "We're okay."

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