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  A/N- Yoooooo... I'm back. Exams around the corner and coursework due in soon, been too busy to update... But tonight! Tonight I will give thyself a break! Enjoy my dear readers ;)


  Below XiuYin's semi-raised knee he could feel Lu ShiZun's little brother stood at attention. XiuYin scanned Lu ShiZun's eyes and found them to be overly glazed and too bright, no wine should have this effect on people. To be drunk is understandable but to be aroused to this extent... There must've been other ingredients in the wine, such as aphrodisiac. XiuYin lowered his knee to avoid a further reaction. The way things were going right now, it was dangerous... for both of them.

  XiuYin cleared his throat and spoke, "Lu ShiZun, your wine was drugged... you're not yourself right now. Can you dispel the drug from your system?

  BiMing looked up at XiuYin through fluttering eyelashes, XiaoYin''s voice was rather husky for some reason, it tickled his ears. "What drug, I'm perfectly fiiine, tell me what do you think is wrong with me hm?" BiMing tugged at a strand of XiuYin's hair, a lofty smile hanging from his lips.

  "Lu ShiZun... You've been drugged and... you're physically disabled..." XiuYin felt too embarrassed to tell Lu ShiZun exactly what was wrong. His eyes narrowed when Lu ShiZun's hand came up and tugged his hair, itching his scalp a little.

  "Hehehe, XiaoYin, there's nothing wrong with my body at all! I feel great! If not a little weird down there." BiMing giggled.

  XiuYin tilted his head and stared at the man underneath who could not comprehend his own bodies condition. His pupils slightly dilated as a sly animal took over his thoughts. XiuYin leaned down, lips brushing Lu ShiZun's ears ever so slightly as he whispered, "Then if Lu ShiZun doesn't know what's wrong with his body, then I'll show you."

  That whisper alone sent shivers down BiMings spine. But then a hand found its way to his lower abdomen where pressure was applied. BiMing gasped, a sound that weaved its way passed XiuYin's ear to his own groin. XiuYin continued to apply pressure to that area as his hands slowly crept down.

 BiMing began squirming his legs, trying to get rid of the building tension down under. "You're right XiaoYin, I think there is something wrong with me... I....I'll go sort it out you can let me up now." BiMing said, voice quivering as that wondering hand inched closer and closer to where it ached for attention. His mind still soft, his voice was slightly slurred.

  XiuYin lifted his head just enough to look Lu ShiZun in the eyes. At this moment Lu ShiZun looked so unguarded and open. For all the times that he teased him, XiuYin couldn't help but take his revenge a little now. Eyes glued to the other, he said, "Lu ShiZun, right now there are two ways to draw out the drug within you. One way is to use your spiritual chi to concentrate on the toxic in your body and eject it, but in your current state that's most likely impossible."

  "Then the other way?" BiMing asked, noting the glint of a predator in who he thought was his 'docile' disciple.

  "Well... the other way for it to be done is manual. To manually release the toxic from within your body."


  "Yes, Lu ShiZun if you do not get rid of the drug, there's no telling how long you will be in this state for. We have to return up the mountain tomorrow."

  "Then how do I do it manually, My stomach is feeling more weird by the second!"

  XiuYin smiled and finally let his hand drift to its final destination for the night. He rested his palm on the tip of the erect member through the clothes. "Manually... Through here."

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