Prologue: Sick

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Ken Mitarashi hummed as she took a look at the hospital room she was in.

Nothing out of the ordinary.

She looked out of the window, when suddenly a cussing doctor broke through the door.

Ken grinned.

"Kid, how the fuck do you land here, everyday? How in Kami's fucking name do you pay for these hospital bills?" He sighed.

"Yeesh, I get it, I can't tell when I'm not wanted, Dr. Lorraine."

The doctor in question felt his face heating up, so he turned around and told her that she was dismissed.

Ken grinned and hopped off, which led her into a coughing fit.

Once it was finally over, she glanced down at her hand, which had covered her mouth.


She grimaced, reaching for a black mask that fit over her face comfortably. She learned a long time ago that she could never use white, because the blood showed.

Ken jumped out the window.

Remarkably, nothing happened. She ran at a slow pace, the idea of mochi overriding any sense or thought that she should return to class.

Besides, it was almost over.

'You're graduating in a week.' A voice reminded her.

'Exactly. I better have fun before I am sucked into the world of shinobi.' She reasoned with herself.

Yeah, she talked to herself.

So caught up in her own thoughts, she failed to realize that someone was about to barrel straight into her.

"Gagh!" The unsuspected assailant went flying through the air, clutching his nose. Ken herself wasn't doing so well, on the floor and clutching her head. Soon enough her hands flew to cover her masked mouth as she went through another coughing fit.


More coughing.

"A little warning would be nice, ya think?" She managed.

The person- no, boy, humphed. He made no inclination at helping Ken up.

Ken got up and dusted herself off. When she looked up, she smiled.

"Naruto! Good to see ya!"

Naruto almost fell over again in surprise.

"Good?" He asked incredulously.

Ken crosses her arms. "Why, do you want me to hate you?"

No, but that was what he expected.

Ken was an odd girl, one who left class all the time, and mainly stayed in the back muttering to herself. He hadn't really noticed her much, and had never talked to her before.

Everyone doubted Ken's ability as a ninja due to her illness.

Everyone doubted Naruto's ability to control himself and not kill everyone.

Naruto's stomach growled before he could retort.

"Want to go to that ramen stand near the mochi shop?" She asked.

"Ya mean Teuchi's place?" Naruto mumbled.


Naruto's eyes shined with tears of happiness.

"You sure you're not gonna' hurt me?" Naruto looked up.

"Promise." Ken held up her pinky finger.

Slowly Naruto raised his hand and locked her finger with his.

Then, they walked off to the ramen stand.

"Do you think Teuchi-san can make udon?"

"Definitely, dattebayo! He can make anything!"


Thus began a beautiful friendship.


I know. Short. Okay, I just wanted to set the character and friendship. Next chapter will fast forward a bit

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