9. Cemetaries and Libraries

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"Can't believe we have to drag this idiot around for a week." Naruto grumbled, kicking aside a stone with a pout.

"Look who's talking." Leroy replied snidely.

Ken shot a dark look at Leroy. That didn't seem to deter him, though.

"Honestly, I've only been with this poor excuse of a team for 15 minutes and I'm already contemplating your Hokage's sanity. God, this team is a mess. A dead last buffoon and her," Leroy gave a disgusted glance at the now glaring Mitarashi, "paired with the last Uchiha and the Copy Cat Ninja. Did he really think it would balance nicely?"

Sasuke growled. He wasn't completely sure why they were forced to drag him around, but he didn't care. No matter the reason, it didn't change the fact that Leroy Abernathy was a mega jerk.

"Asshat." He muttered.

Leroy didn't seem to hear him, but Ken snorted.

Kakashi's annoyance wasn't as open as his students, but his dead flat tone gave it away. "We have a day of missions, so let's go."

Leroy rolled his eyes.



That was what Leroy thought as he watched the team run through the empty library, shelving the fallen books that were scattered across the floor.

Last night, someone had broken into the library and knocked over shelves, pulling out books and destroying the place.

Leroy shifted in his chair. Why were they even trying so hard? This wasn't noble shinobi work, and the pay wouldn't change if they did it without a smile.

"All done in the Fantasy aisle, dattebayo!"

"Sasuke, can you give me a hand with this shelf?"

"Naruto, careful."


The shelf toppled over, nearly crushing Naruto, but Sasuke bolted in and grabbed him just in time.

Thankfully, the shelf hadn't broken and it was empty, so they just had to right it.

Ken rushed over and looked Naruto over, checking for any cuts or injuries. After releasing a breath, she turned to Kakashi.

"That was close, right sensei?"

Kakashi was silent. His eyes wide, frozen.

"Kakashi-sensei?" Sasuke raised a brow, though he looked concerned.

Kakashi snapped out of it, looking slightly disoriented. "I-Obi-" He shook his head. "Naruto. Be more careful." He walked over to the librarian, who had been reading a book at the counter.

He cleared his throat. The woman looked up, pushing up her round glasses. "We're done." Kakashi's voice was oddly soft, and as a smile spread on the woman's face, he averted his eyes.

"Thank you so much!" She pulled Kakashi and the team into a large hug. "I could never have done this without you guys! I was the only one who seemed to care, and I had to get pay for the mission out of my own pocket, and you all did so wonderfully-" She rambled, her frizzy red hair bouncing as she waved around her hands. "I-" her cheeks reddened. "I'm Yoko."

Naruto gave a blinding grin, and Sasuke and Ken had a small smile. "We're glad we could help, dattebayo!"

Yoko smiled, until she jumped and glanced at the counter behind her. "Oh! I, well I made you guys some cookies." Sheepishly, she presented them a plate of homemade chocolate chip cookies. "Uh, you can also have some."

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