11. A Real Mission

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"Ken Mitarashi!"

With a groan, Ken looked up. "What is it, Leroy?" Perfect She asked irritably. He had interrupted her breakfast, a small cafe down the street from the Hokage tower. "We aren't due to the missions room yet. That's in an hour."

Leroy just smirked, sidling up to her. "I'm just here to tell you I won't be joining you on your tedious missions today."

"Wow. How fascinating." Droned Ken boredly. "Wait, why?"

Leroy looked oddly pleased, and actually answered her. "I don't know, and frankly I don't care," he shrugged. "The Hokage just told me."

Then he was gone, Ken muttering a small goodbye in his wake.

Ken sighed and packed up her food, instinctively reaching for her mask as she began to hack violently.

She left the cafe and headed for the Hokage Tower as the familiar stench of blood rose.


The Hokage looked excited, expectant.

For what?

His bright grin faded into a small smile as Naruto bounded un behind Ken, waving his arms and talking about all types of ramen.

He cleared his throat, nodding to the team in greeting. "Today, you are assigned to prune the weeds from Mr.Sam's garden, repaint the old Marutabi cafe—"


"Naruto.." Kakashi sighed.

Ken grinned, siding with Naruto. "He's right, Hokage-sama." She knew Naruto was itching to talk, so she paused and let him continue.

"I won't do it! We've been running around doing house work and chores since we graduated! We didn't go through all that training and testing for this!" He cried, a furious look crossing his face.

Before he could further embarrass them, Sasuke stepped in. "It's true. We were trained to be shinobi. Not...this." He scrunched up his nose as he gestured at the list. Paint, clean, weeding, babysit, fix.

Naruto seemed to shut off for a moment, weakly staring at Sasuke in surprise. He expected Ken to back him up, but Sasuke?

Kakashi placed a hand on both Naruto's and Sasuke's shoulders, shooting a smile at the Hokage. "I'm positive my students are ready, and I believe we have just met the quota of D-Ranks."

The Hokage nodded. "You do make a good point Naruto, but the civilians of Konoha require our aid. Those under qualified must uphold the requests and keep the civilian ha—"

Hiruzen trailed off as he realized none of them were listening. He sighed, taking a long drag of his pipe. "Fine. There is an available C-Rank that I believe is within your range of ability. Accompanying a bridge builder, Tazuna, to the Wave Country."

Ken sighed. He agreed that easily? Her eyes sharpened as she stared at the marginally pleased Hokage. Wait. If he already told Leroy not to join them, then he already planned for them to—

"Really? A real mission!? Out of Konoha! An escort mission!" Naruto shouted happily, bouncing around the room in excitement. His own positive energy was contagious, and both Ken and Sasuke couldn't help but smile.

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