14. Bridges Burned

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Hey what up

Ken groaned, her hands flying up to cover her face as she cursed. "Fuck, fuck, fuckity fuck-face." Her words grew garbled as she coughed out another load of blood, causing Sasuke to wince and retract.

Ken's chocolate eyes met Sasuke's, and she cleared her throat. "So." Her smile was uncomfortable and nervous, yet Sasuke couldn't help but distantly note she had a wonderful, crooked smile. "How do you do?"

Sasuke gave her a sharp look. "What the hell was that." His eyes trailed down to the floor, stained with blood. Ken's gaze followed his, grimacing. It was getting worse.

She began muttering under her breath once more, swearing and cursing like a sailor. "I can't believe you've done this. Fuck this shit, I'm moving to the fucking cloud village, I can't keep a fucking secret for my life, fuck it all, bastard lungs not giving a damn or working—"

"Could you stop? And just tell me..what the fuck?" Sasuke wondered if perhaps this was all a dream. The situation looked dire yet Ken was cursing, looking annoyed and frustrated at best.

With a dramatic wave of her hands, Ken slumped back against the wall. "Goddamn, I was planning on telling you, but no! You just had to see me like that.." She looked annoyed once more. "I've had to go and explain this fucking illness so much recently." Ken ran a hand through her hair, then her head shot up abruptly, as if she had just realized Sasuke was there. "Right. So, you see, Sasuke..."

He urged her on with an impatient nod.

"I'm dying. Like, not only on the inside. My goddamn useless lungs don't work and I'm stuck with a terminal illness." She shook her hands jazzily, albeit sarcastically. "I didn't really want to tell you, because," she gave him an uncertain glance before continuing, "I thought that maybe you'd think I was slowing you down."

Sasuke froze, his mind flying to process all of this. First off, Ken was sick. This whole time, through all those smiles and jokes and time together, she had been suffering quietly and Sasuke was completely unaware. Was it even possible that he was so oblivious? His friend was dying. Secondly, was he really so bad that someone who had a terminal illness, something they couldn't control, was worried about him hating her for it?

After a moment of brief silence and contemplation, Sasuke looked up. "I really am an ass, aren't I?" He scooted to sit beside her.

Ken snorted, easily flying past her shock, reaching her hand to wrap an arm around Sasuke's shoulders, but retracted at the last minute and settled for fiddling with her hands. "Nah. Not really."

"I don't think you're slowing me down, Ken." He nudged her shoulder with his own.

Ken's eyes grew tired as she felt her chest overflow with warmth. She relished in that feeling before saying anything.

"Thanks, Sasuke."

Both kids couldn't help but feel like they finally had family again. Perhaps a sibling. Whatever it was, it was a nice, warm feeling.


After a couple more minutes of sitting outside, Ken realized it was growing dark and the pair retreated back into their room.

Sasuke had a hint of a smile on his face as he softly said goodnight to Ken, disappearing under his covers.

Ken yawned, an overwhelming feeling of exhaustion taking over. She turned off the lights and crawled onto the futon.


The next thing she knew, Ken was up and awake and the sun was bright. She stifled a yawn and looked around. "Sasuke?" She muttered tiredly. He was gone, his futon empty and his covers neatly made.

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