17. Hyuga

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fair warning: Leroy says some insulting shit but I have no idea how to properly insult someone so it'll be really bad, don't mind it

This chap is Haku-centric

so I realized this book wasn't gay enough while all my other books are so I present to y'all...this!


Ken was a bit worried about Haku.

She knew he was still uncomfortable and unsure in a new place, and that her presence provided comfort for him. But he never left her side for the past two weeks. Ken would go grocery shopping, and he'd be at the door ready to go with her. Every mission, he'd follow. And she knew that the times she was apart from him, he'd sometimes get things akin to panic attacks. At the very least, he'd always be extremely uncomfortable and fidgety.

Scratch that, she was really worried.

So Ken decided that the best way to help was to have him make new friends. Ease him into unfamiliar places, and hopefully, he'd be okay. As much as it hurt to purposefully separate herself from Haku, which she knew would hurt him, it was for the best and she desperately wanted him to be better.

Right now, Ino was her best bet.

Haku was somewhat familiar with Ino, what with all the times he accompanied Ken to the cemetery and the stop to buy flowers. Ken and Ino were close, but hardly saw each other save for quick visits. She hoped Ino's friendly, loud, and bold personality drew him in rather than repelled him.

Ken shut the book in her hands, raising them up to twirl her hair expertly into her usual style, half up and half down. "Come on, Haku." She didn't even need to say anything, he was already waiting beside her expectantly. Ken resisted the urge to grimace and slipped on her shoes. They were out quickly, Ken locking the door and pocketing her keys. She exhaled, breathing in the crisp morning air.

"Where are we going?" Haku inquired. His long black hair was tied in a messy bun as it usually was, and he wore another gray sweater that no one was really sure where it came from. Possibly one of Ken's many male friends'.

Slipping on her jacket that had fur lining the hood (a gift from Kiba, Ken thought with a blush), Ken smiled. "Just paying a visit to Ino."

Haku nodded and began inspecting the shops they passed. Many were just opening now, in the early hours of the morning, and few people were out. It was remarkably peaceful, and Haku's heart settled comfortably in his chest. These precious hours were his favorite.

They neared the Yamanaka's shop, Haku peered through the glass windows. Every time they visited, Ino had different flowers out for display. He found that he was quite partial to irises, and always ended up searching for them.

Haku froze mid-step as he met the gaze of the most gorgeous lavender eyes.

"Hm? What is it, Haku?"


He wasn't completely sure why he came here.

Maybe it was because his cousin was sick, and in her ill, heavily medicated state, she had gone on about how she loved sunflowers.

So Neji, scowling really, because if TenTen caught him in a flower shop he would never hear the end of it, waited at the counter for the blonde to return from the back with his flowers.

He glanced out the window, and from the corner of his eye, he noticed two figures approaching the shop. He turned to see better, praying it wasn't his team members, and found himself staring into deep black pools of infinity. He blinked, and realized they were a pair of eyes. That pair of eyes belonged to a black haired teen, who stared back looking equally dazed.

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