10. All to Herself

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Ken awoke on a Saturday morning, bright and early.

After stretching slightly, she hopped off the bed and wiped the blood away from her mouth. Happily, she noted it wasn't as much as usual.

She opened her closet, and reached for her shinobi attire. Ken paused, noticing a bright yellow post-it note in her own handwriting, stuck to the front of her outfit.

'FREE DAY! Don't wear me!'

Ken rolled her eyes and instead picked out a striped sweater and jeans. Pulling it on, she decided to have breakfast then find Naruto.

She pulled open one of her cabinets, grabbing the Nutella and bread. As she plated the bread and began spreading the Nutella, she realized the house was extremely quiet, quieter than usual. Maybe she had just gotten used to having Naruto around to yell and make a mess and be loud. It had been a while since they had a free day to just hang out.

The thought of Naruto got her up again, so she picked up her sandwhich and headed out the door, keys jingling in one pocket.


Naruto wasn't home.

His apartment was in the bad part of town, but Ken had walked Naruto home plenty of times.

Still, she couldn't help the tingle of fear that crept up her spine. Ken rushed past a group of particularly menacing men, desperate to arrive at Naruto's apartment. She clambered up the stairs and skidded to a halt in front of his door.

Ken plucked the orange sticky note scrawled in Naruto's familiar handwriting, relaxing.

'If you're Ken-chan, I'm out today! Sorry, I'll be back tomorrow!'

With a small frown, Ken read the rest of the note.

'If you're Sasuke-teme, YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME ALIVE! The hair dye will wear off soon, but have fun with your pink hair, sucker!'

Ken felt an amused smile grace her lips, and she shook her head. Naruto. That means she'll have the day all to herself, as she suspected Sasuke would outright refuse to go out in such a state.

She left the apartment complex and began wandering the town.


Ken decided that today was a good time as any to go grocery shopping, seeing as she always postponed it and she realized with a slight startle that the past week's meals consisted of only take-out.

She trailed down the aisles, pausing to grab some oranges, inspecting them with a keen eye before placing them in the bag.

Oranges were Naruto's favorite.

But remembering Naruto brought back a small ache in her chest, reminding her that today she was alone.

She shook off the thought, pushing down the stupid feeling of loneliness and noticed something from the corner of her eye. A cake. Realizing it was her favorite, she was a bit anxious to buy it. Though it did give her an idea.

Perhaps, if her boys were willing, she could bring them over for dinner. Sasuke wasn't a sweet tooth, as far as she could recall, but he did enjoy tomatoes and tempura, so she would be sure to include them in the dish. The cake could be for Naruto and her.

Briefly she considered inviting Kakashi.

If this were to be a Team 7 dinner, it would probably be best. But Ken couldn't shake that haunted look in his eyes back in the library. The shelf had fallen on top of Naruto, but Sasuke has grabbed him just in time. Of course Ken was worried, but Kakashi had been frozen, unmoving for a full minute.

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