8. A New "Friend"

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"Ken!" Anko cried. "It's been so long since I've seen you! I'm so sorry, I missed your graduation, and you've grown so much!" She sniffled.

Ken smiled. "It's alright. I know you've been busy."

In a flash, the tears were gone and the sniffles nonexistent. Anko grinned and ruffled her niece's hair. "Good to know I have such an understanding brat."

Ken glanced at Naruto and Sasuke, who were discreetly covering their eyes.

"Auntie Anko, could you..cover up? I wouldn't classify what you're wearing as a shirt." She coughed.

"Whatever, brat!" She smirked. "I have to go now. The old man is trying to catch me for property damage." She paused, cocking her head to the side slightly. "Again. I might drop by later though!" With a poof of smoke, Ken's aunt disappeared.

"God." Ken sighed. "She could have at least stayed for more than a minute. Come on guys, you can stop. I'll walk you home."


"Alright." Ken yawned. "I'm off."

It was the next day, and the sun was bright in the sky. The grass was green, and summer was beginning.

Ken had changed out of her shinobi attire and was now sporting a striped shirt, blue jeans and a lavender jacket. Her hair was tied up into a messy bun, as per usual.

"Can Kakashi-sensei and I visit you at the hospital? You said it would take all day, dattebayo." Naruto whispered, eyeing the brooding Uchiha to their right.

Ken nodded. "Sure, but try not to let him tag along? He doesn't know."

Naruto nodded, shaking his head so hard, Ken was sure it was going to fall off. Ken held in her laugh and waved goodbye.

"Where are you going?" Sasuke scowled.

Ken froze her steps, turning to face the Uchiha with a teasing grin. "Aw, you miss me already? Today's our day off, and I have somewhere to be. See you tomorrow Sasuke-san."

Sasuke clicked his tongue, but didn't argue further.

With a nervous chuckle, Ken ran down the street and disappeared from their line of sight.

"So.." Naruto whistled. Kakashi was silent.

"Do you have anywhere to be, Sasuke?"



"Ah. Ken. You're here." There was a shuffling of papers, then Dr. Lorraine's monotone voice spoke up again. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to make it."

Ken rolled her eyes, and picked up the pen to sign in. "Why? Because of all the traffic on the way here?"

"No." Dr. Lorraine droned. "Because you were dead."

He sighed and picked up his mug of coffee. "Follow me."

Ken stuffed her hands in her pockets and followed Dr. Lorraine down the complex mess of halls that were already committed to memory. She paused. Wait. The Director's Office?

Dr. Lorraine stopped. He flipped through his clipboard. "Your checkup and monthly treatment should take all day, but.." He looked up, and Ken met his blank gaze. "The Director wants to see you."

Ken nodded, and reluctantly stepped into the office.

"Good luck." Dr. Lorraine's bored tone did not comfort her.


"Hello dearie! Come on in, I'd like to introduce you!" The Director of Konoha Hospital was a nice, plump lady by the name of Mrs. Abernathy. It wasn't often that Ken saw her, or was called into her office.

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