Chapter One

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Hello to whoever is reading this. First I would like to thank you for clicking the button & giving my story a chance. I just wanted to say that this is my very first real attempt to write a story , so bear with me. If there are any grammatical mistakes I apologize it's not edited. I would like to know your opinion on the story & please be honest I would accept any kind of criticism, feel free to voice out your criteria.

I hope you will enjoy the story , have a good day !

Amal's Pov

"All the passengers for flight number LA397 , please go to gate number 2"

"That's our flight " Dad said excited

I can't believe this is it , we are really leaving .

My dad's a lawyer he got a job offer at one of the biggest companies in the US, an offer he couldn't decline, so we all had to shift there.

Our family of 6 members queued in the line, not without getting quite the number of stares from people around us. Of course to the other passengers we seem like one hell of a big family , but believe me there are Arab families that we would seem like a tiny family in comparison to.

Arab people tend to have many children , just stating a fact !!

As we are 6 we ended up having 4 people sit on one side and the other 2 alone , of-course I chose the latter , because who wants to sit near Marwa & Omar for the whole flight not me!

Marwa & Omar are twins , both sophomore in college ,Omar chose Computer science , while Marwa is our future engineer

None of them are doctors , you may ask , well my parents have high hopes for the rest of us, too bad I want to presume my dream job of big an artist & having my own gallery. It's all I am focusing on my last year of high-school

This will sure crush them & cause problems , but still there's Ziad my 14 year old brother , who's the only sane one to consider medicine or so my parents think. So that's why they are cutting the rest of us some slack.

Here goes nothing.

*16 Hours later*

"That was one hell of a ride" Marwa expressed , all nodded in agreement.

It's 5: am apparently as we are going from the east to the west , the time went backwards , as if we hadn't just lost a day, we are re-starting it, which is super cool.

As we exited the airport, with Blake the chauffeur that the company was kind enough to send him to pick us up.

He was super friendly with the whole smiley face an "Welcome to America" but there was no much reaction from us because we were exhausted and just want to sleep.

But Dad was kind enough to smile & thank him for his kind gesture , sure not before apologizing for the lack of response from the rest of the family.
My Dad is an early riser and apparently none of us got that from him , maybe the new baby will get it, but I think at this point he might have lost hope completely.

After a 30 minute, drive we arrived at our house, none of us noticed any thing as everyone ran to the house, it was a like a marathon.

*And here we are Ladies & Gentlemen at the 568th marathon of the Hadad's Family *
we have the champion Omar Hadad trying to defend his crown against the rest of his siblings
Omar is running at full speed trying to reach for the door knob , followed closely by Marwa and Ziad & as usual Amal is the last to catch up , this girl is a hopeless case, she should just not participate at all.
As Omar nears the door , he catches the door  knob. Omar won the race once again !!

And we all ended up waiting for Dad to open the door for sure.

"Ya awlad (Kids) before I open the door, hence I know you won't listen as soon as those doors are open. Omar your room is the 1st room on the 2nd floor to your left, Ziad yours is the 2nd . Marwa yours the 1st room to the right , Amal the 2nd room. Am I clear?"

"Yes Baba (Dad)" everyone replied in sync.

And he wasn't wrong because as soon as the door was opened everyone sprinted to their room.
When I got to my room I just ended up falling straight on the bed & finally getting a comfortable sleep.

*10 Hours Later*

I woke up around 3 p.m feeling all refreshed and shocked because my parents let me sleep tell this hour, but our flight was long , so maybe they decided to let it go , only this once.

I had a look around my room , it was quite beautiful.
My room has 2 windows, one infront of the bed which is in the middle and the other is on the corner where there's a desk for the studying , and left to it located a sofa with a book stand attached to the wall behind it. Between the two windows there's this empty space , which where my stand for painting goes, the perfect place, it has a view from both windows, with fascinating view of the neighbourhood.
the closet is on the other side, I don't care about it since I steal most of Marwa's clothes and wear them.
I went downstairs to see Mama already done with the backing sitting in the living room
"Salam Mama, I just wanted to tell you that I will go packing, do you need anything"

Salametik (Thank you) Amal , you should start & I'll call you when the food is ready.
"Okay" . I went to my room to start the torture. 

After 3 and half hours , I am finally done with everything. I already had the lunch Baba got a takeaway just today since Mama couldn't cook , she was busy with the unpacking.

I was tired so I ended up having a shower & sleeping.
Variety of things need to be done , since I am starting school in 2 days .

Willstone High get ready to meet Amal Louay Hadad

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