Chapter Seven

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 Hey guys HAPPY NEW YEAR !!! Enshallah it will be a good year to all of you I know it's the end of January but better late than never. Here's your update well I was going to update at the end of December but the thing is unexpected trip came and after that exams so I didn't get to finish the chapter. But now since I am on midterm vacation I decided to give you guys an update
without any further due I present chapter seven.
Enjoy !!

Amal's POV

As I opened the door , I came across a huge room in which I could see a figure lingering in the corner The back of the figure is facing me , the slow movement of the muscles shows the tension that the person is feeling

But then I came to realization that the person is shirtless and what I have been occupied with is his back muscles , they were perfectly scripted, and toned.

Several girls are into the abs, the V line , biceps , triceps but for me they are the back muscles. They are my weakness

As I was checking them out and observing closely the movements.There came a moment in which I just snapped out of it like " what are you doing Amal ?? , this is wrong "So I voiced my thoughts muttering" AstagfarAllah ( Ask God For Forgiveness) "

That caused the person to turn quickly my way , that I thought his neck was split into half

Those dark eyes stayed into my soul , felt like stripping every part of my being and just crossing all of the borders and defenses making me vulnerable

The look was too intense that I couldn't take my eyes off them even if I wanted to

The person walked towards me and as it came under the light of the room I could see the eye color keeps changing from the Light Hazel to Dark Hazel to completely Black

I whispered " Xander " but he heard me

As he started walking faster my way I tried to back up and exit but the door that was moments ago opened is now shut closed

And I didn't even get to reach the handle

As I was yanked by force and my back hit the wall with two hands blocking me from moving

From the shock that he's now this close

My heart started accelerating and I couldn't breath properly . I didn't want to look into his eyes so I had my head downward bad idea due to the height difference I am now directly looking at his abs.

The universe is indeed not in my favor !! I lowered my gaze until the floor or to be more exact Xander's feet

"He has such an enormous feet" this just popped in my mind out of nowhere
Really brain couldn't you come up with an escape plan instead the thing that actually interests you is the size of his feet .

A sniffing action snapped me out of my own battle. Just to come to conclusion that Xander is smelling me which is super weird "Do I smell ?? , is it the hospital scent on me ??, when is the last time I showered ?? Oh Allah , I need a shower it's been a while. I guess , I don't know. When was the last time you showered Amal ?? I feel so unhygienic & I am not happy about it BAD AMAL BAD !! "

The rational side kicked in "Girl , it doesn't matter if you showered or not. Why are you thinking of such thoughts right now when you are literally against the damn door with this Xander dude not looking in his freaking right mind SNAP OUT OF IT !!!!"

As I finally left my own world I realized that Xander feel asleep standing up which a skill I need to learn major respect . His face is leaning on my shoulder with the door giving the extra support . Thank God he didn't use his entire weight I would have been crushed for sure.

After calculating several scenarios in my head I decided to try and drag him with the help of Mr. door & his cousin wall

I first tried to remove his head from my shoulder cause it's getting painful. Seriously like how much does his head weight alone. As slowly as I can the pressure Is becoming less and I was so happy that I was going to succeed. Unfortunately I spoke way early as I don't know how but somehow his reflexes reacted and I got pulled to him span twice then ended on the sheets with Xander above me choking ne may I add

How did this happen is beyond my understanding. And why is there a bed in the middle of this scary place is something I will never know. Still this is not only cutting my circulation, it's highly inappropriate.
"Xander , wake up " shaking, hitting , screaming nothing worked this all caused the tightening to sharpen which isn't a good sign.
I then settled for the alternative of trying to get to breath normally first then think of the rest.
So I aimed at Xander arm that's the main source of the pressure. But I need it to look like just position correction not getting rid of it or that damned reflex will place me in a worst position.
To execute my plan I went for the arm and started moving it in such motion that it will be away from my neck and toward my stomach.
As my dear lungs worked super hard when they were freed to make up for the oxygen loss.
I felt both of his arms are now hugging my waist.
"Really man what is your problem . Have he never heard of boundaries. And who sleeps like a bear like that crushing someone" I screamed in my head
But this time I was so exhausted that I just laid there. My mind is blank cause whenever I make a move he counters it with his reflex.

I don't remember much as I ended up asleep while thinking of ways to torture Xander and the gang outside because they are part responsible for that.


The fresh smell of trees and flowers wake up my other senses causing me to open my eyes just to get greeted by the cloudy sky moving side to side with the birds.
As I studied my surroundings turns out I am in a some kind of forest laying on the grass with a soft cold breeze passing by. You could see the river at the end of my vision but as I was observing turns out I am out here alone.
"This is perfect, I could used to this" I muttered

I went back to my lying position and closed my eyes enjoying the moment but then I felt breath on my face that caused me to lift my eyelids only to come face to face with black golden spikes eyes.
I screamed that caused the creature to step back. After correcting my position and looking at the wolf inches away it all came to me.

"Sorry that I gave you a shock MD. Next time make a voice so I could be prepared okay "
The wolf smirked and nodded but still I didn't buy it.
"Why do I not believe you huh" I said smiling. In response I got a happy howl grinning with full teeth showing those sharp killer teeth of him.
"What are you doing here ?? and what is this place exactly??"
He came up to me and laid his head on my lap as if to say I came for you, and that he missed me. Sparks exploded when we came in contact but I didn't let it show on my face.
"I missed you too MD" we stayed like this for minutes then hours without even realizing . We sat in pure silence enjoying the view around us and each other company.
I know whoever may listen to this will think that I am with a person not an animal never the less a wolf but so be it. I feel like there's this unique connection that's between us and I can't say that I don't like it.
At least I have a protector if any other creature tried t make me their meal.

I was snapped out of my thoughts by a liquidly lick "Ewwww MD, why you got to do that" wiping my cheeks to get rid of the saliva .
He just responded with a bark like sound ending it with a smirk.
"You sure are in a good mood with all the smirking. Anyways let's go for a walk I am kind of bored"
As I got up to walk a bark sound ceased me. "What's wrong, everything alright ??"
MD looked at me and then to himself aimed his paw on his back
"You don't want me to ride on you do you ??"
He gave me a wolfish smile in return.
"Okay, I have never done this with a wolf before but let's be real you are much bigger than the average wolf"
Once I finished he stood up head high like he's the highest in the place with a ton of vibes and aura with pride radiating off him.
"You are too extra man"
I made my way to the show off wolf . He bent his head as I was nearing him for me to be able to climb on him.
It was harder than I thought it took me nearly 6 attempts to stay on his back and hold on to him not too tight that I hurt him and ended up realizing his fur suddenly and of course falling off him or too light that I would instantly lose my balance and met with the grass/floor.
I once again tried to ignore those sparks that I don't understand till now where is their origin.
As I secured my position and held onto MD. He took off running through the forest and everything is a blur but still fascinating. Still my main focus was on his fur, it's too soft and smooth under my palm that I was caressing it with my fingers without losing my grip.
what I didn't know is that MD will be purring in response which distracted him from the path and he probably didn't see the tree branch because the next thing you know is I am no longer on his back , I am flying at that moment the I believe I can fly song to my mind and subconsciously I started humming the song " I believe I can fly , I believe I can touch the sky " but in reality I came in touch with the ground.

I jolted awake , from my sudden movements I kicked Xander off me and he ended up on the floor head first.
The way his expressions were plastered all over his face, the shocked face. I t was too much for me to handle that I took out my phone pressed video recording and cracked up laughing
"What the.. , how the he... , where am ... , why ..??" Xander failed to even finish up one question
"This is hilarious , Umm how about you ask one question at a time??"
My response caused him to look my way as if he didn't know I was even here and his eyes enlarged and the shock look came all over again. "Amal ??... Are you really here , is that really you ??"
"Yes , I am real. You are not hallucinating or in delusion. Though a doc should seriously check you up after that fall it was a hard one" I couldn't hold myself I cracked at the end.
"Well I am glad that you are okay " but also he whispered another part which I couldn't quiet get.
"Now mister since you are okay why don't I leave I guess my mission here is over "
Xander just smirked. "What are you smirking about".
He pointed at the phone and I was like "What's wrong is it not working??"
"Red, you shouldn't record me in secret since I am all your darling " his smirk just got bigger
"What are you tal...." Oh Allah I totally forgot to turn off the recorded video
"Stupid AMAL "I kept screaming on my head scolding myself.
An amused laugh took me out off my self scolding. As I turned off the record "Don't flatter yourself I pressed it by mistake and why would I even need to record you"
"Sure sure, whatever helps you sleep at night"
As we fell into silence it hit me he is still shirtless that's why he's saying all that. All colour darined from my face and I can feel it become as pale as snow.
I turned my head and covered my eyes" Umm, will you please put a shirt on ?"
"Why it seems that you were enjoying the view can't say that I mind though"
"Just please cover yourself up"
"Okay okay Red calm down " then I heard movement after a couple of minutes Xander said
"It's safe now to open your eyes"
What I did is that I went to the door , opened it and fled from the HC running not without asking Allah fro forgiveness this is too much
Once I exited the cave it was already early morning and everyone was there.
I pointed my finger at all of them and said with a deadly voice "YOU ARE ALL DEAD"


A/N :-

There you guys have it chapter seven

I hope you guys enjoyed it 

Comment your thoughts and vote if you liked the chapter

Until Next Time Sy__Gi :D

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