Chapter Two

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I would like to dedicate this chapter to @celesteknight0 for voting & giving my story a chance. Thank you , I really appreciate it !
I hope you all enjoy the chapter!

Amal's Pov

"I can't believe that I am stuck with you" I whispered.
"Hey Red, you are the one that got us here" Xander replied.
"Excuse me, you are the weirdo who started all of this" I shoot back

  * 12 hours ago *

"Mum I am leaving to the Mall with Marwa,Salam " I said

"Don't be late"Mum shouted

Since school is starting soon, I decided to enjoy the last day with Marwa at the mall.
I was wearing my navy blue skirt with a white top & I chose a navy blue scarf.
While Marwa choose to wear a dark red dress with a beige hijab

We took Marwa's Tiny Penny , yeah it's her car's name. It's a Toyota, that's all I know & to be frankly honest I don't care about the rest.

It took us at lest 20 minutes to reach the mall, and Oh Allah it's huge.
The mall is one floor only but there's more than 12 gates, it's my first time to see a mall like that usually its 5 or even 6 floors.

"Ya rabi (Oh God) why can't I find a parking spot" Marwa mumbled annoyed.
When she found a spot , a car suddenly came & stole it.

"Oh Oh, that person had a death wish today" I thought silently.
See Marwa is an easy going girl , until she's angry she will destroy you, literally! .
This happens either when someone steals her parking spot or when she's hungry , which is always. Nevermind just don't get on her bad side.

"NOOOOOOO , Ya Allah I have been searching for a parking spot for about 15 minutes" Marwa said furiously
"It's actually 3 minutes"I thought but do I dare to correct her No Way
"Marwa shofe (Look) there's one at the end of the road"
when I was done , the car accelerated to the spot.

As we enter the mall , we don't know from where to start, we went to Collins first.
after going through some of the shops & buying absolutely nothing, we got hungry & decided to check the food court.

Marwa went to find us a spot to sit, it was super crowded
"There's some festival or celebration I guess" I thought to myself.

While having a look I had an eye contact with hazel eyes, capturing me for a second. It felt like the whole world disappeared only the both of us existed, the same feeling that I have read about in the books. But soon it was all gone as someone walked infront of me & I couldn't be any more grateful for the stranger person.

"Mine " with his arm outstretched trying to touch me"

"If that hand reaches over, Wallahi I will break it myself "The hand suddenly stopped midway , the stranger looked like a frozen statue it was hilarious that I ended up laughing, that seemed to bring him back to reality.

He tried re-approaching but I took sprint & ran like my life depended on it , not without shouting "you crazy " I shouted

Bad move everyone looked at me like I was out of my mind while their eyes were the size of two big watermelons so enlarged.

Suddenly , I had people running after me, like one of the scenes from any horror movie with zombies everywhere, it was super scary & adrenaline type of situation.
I just kept on running until I have found a small hidden place under the stairs in which I could fit & no one would notice. As I hide there, everyone kept moving forward or checked the stores

"Ya Allah , what is happening, why are they after me " I screamed in my mind

*Lately I've been, I have been losing sleep * my phone blurred

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