Chapter Twelve (Part II)

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So 15 minutes later and here I will present the second part of chapter twelve it will be in a different  Pov which would be Xander's here you will get to see how he is facing with what Amal did to him. Since he's a werewolf he will obviously be dealing with it different but also similar at the same time.

I won't talk further 
I present part II 
I hope you enjoy it !!!!!!


Xander's Pov:

After I excited the room I went into isolation. A cabinet I built in the forest to give me some alone time. I had the intention of bringing Amal here and making this our special secret place.
The cabinet had a mini living room, a kitchen and a bedroom. It have always given the cozy vibes and I have built it for me and my mate to have some alone time and to get away from everyone.
But now it seems as if this became the cabinet is for the heart broken Alphas

So this is what a broken heart feels like.

Days and days passed and I am becoming less of a human everyday. No emotions nothing or practically speaking only anger is what I feel those days. I don't know how many exactly has passed. A week .. two.. has it already been a month no idea.

Emptiness surrounds me it's like I am stuck in a never ending darkness , no can feel it or see it but it's there suffocating me to the point that feels like my breathing could cease at any moment

"We can't be together didn't you hear me the first time"

"We are from two different worlds we will never work out"

"What we feel is not important"

Those words are just on repeat in my head ever since I left my office, leaving sad Amal alone

I was over the moon when I realized that she likes me but she took all the happiness from me in a sec as soon as she said those dreadful words . The worst part is that she has no the slightest idea to what she have done.

How could she say that so easily like I meant nothing at all to her, I guess the way I feel for her is more stronger than she does.

One day myy dad barged into the cabinet

"This is it Xander. You need to tell me what's going on with you ??. You are the soon to be crowned Alpha. The back is already treating you as one without the ceremony so get your shit together. You have a pack that needs you"

"Can't you just leave me alone for the time being. Can't you see that I am hurt and I can't perform my duties as an Alpha fully"

"No, I need to know exactly what's going on with you and remember before an Alpha you are my son. I wanted to give you some time to get yourself back together but clearly it's not working out. So talk to me son"

"I ... she .. why .." I couldn't get a full sentence and I clutched my chest because of the pain erupting

"Is this about your mate.. what happened ??"

"She said we will never be together. Dad she rejected me and here I am suffering alone "

"I don't think so .. she didn't reject you. If she did you would know and it's for sure not how you are feeling.. give her some time it's all new to her. Many creatures who aren't werewolves won't exactly know what a mate truly is until the whole mating ceremony is over.. Have patience son.. "

"Is this how you felt when mum left you"

"For some instance yes but it was way worse I guarantee. I only hope that you wouldn't have to deal with it and I am sure you won't you have found your true soul mate"

"do you miss her ??"

"There isn't a day that I don't miss her.. but we weren't meant to be its okay.. And I am sure that your mate is hurting as well. But you do know that life still is going on so you have to learn to work with all the pain. Right now your pack needs you. And you need to get busy because sitting here won't get you anywhere."

From that day onwards I did return to the pack house but I have lost interest in all the things that I did. I was like a walking corpse not alive but breathing. I all my focus on my work, the pack. I would stay up all day in the office doing all the paper work and planning not leaving it for days. My appetite went down the hill from a few bits a day to barely eating right now.
I would only sleep or rather pass out from exhaustion and I would dream about her EVERY SINGLE TIME

Even though I haven't seen her in person for all this time, I stopped helping with Physical Education. I think Nars is helping her now. It's just I don't think I will be able to handle seeing her living perfectly fine while I am out here barely surviving.

Not only do I do office work for days for some of the days that I do leave the office is when I am investigating the Hunter's Case. They have never spread and been in this amount of number before we did take out most of them but its still not entirely safe so we need right to tighten security. That's why we have increased the number of patrols and I myself go on some quite often. I just let Midnight takeover and he runs all around our territory to double check and to let out his own feelings.

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