Chapter Eight

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Hey guys its been a while. With everything happening nowadays with the corona and all. Please don't panic over the news . It is a serious epidemic but if we all stay home for the time being and follow the protocol of the sanitizing it will all be okay.

I hope all of you are doing fine may Allah protect you and your family, all of us during this time.
Stay Safe

I present chapter Eight !!!!

Amal's Pov :

"You better run" I said in a low voice
and shockingly I saw everyone sprint like their life depended on it
"You Guys, I had several things to say and you all actually run away. Where's the rebel vibe that I know you guys have. Like seriously WHAT THE HELL !! You ruined my speech"

"I will hear every single word of it" a Xander said behind me.
I turned around to see him freshened up and looking at me with amusement

"Umm look over there" I pointed behind him
But Xander kept looking my way

"Aren't you the least bit curious about what's there" I stated

"To me you are way beyond interesting " Xander replied

"Will you at least check it " I felt my cheeks heat up

"If you really insist" Xander turned to see what's there
I took it as my chance and I ran as far away from him. All that is in my sight is a lining of trees

"Where shall I hide from this person " I thought

As I was walking I saw a camp like setting a group of logs around what should be a bonfire and there's a tent that's hidden well in between the trees located near this camp. Over all it's the perfect place to hide I don't think anyone would suspect to look there you will only see the tent if you look up really close.

I went for the tent opened the zipper got inside closed it on myself and just sat there doing nothing

"Okay what now " 10 seconds later "I am bored what shall I do?? How long will I have to be here?? What if it's for a long time I don't much survival tools around me. MMM what to do ??"
There isn't much in this tent it has an empty bottle, a blanket and a couple of wasteful food containers which as you have guessed are empty.


"Hey Cap Amal we don't have enough food for the people. And the Abductors are around the area " Derek my side kick said

"You don't need to worry Derek I will go out and secure some food. I will check where are the Abductors located exactly to see if they will be able to get to us "

"Let me go with you "Alyssa said

"No Alyssa it's too dangerous and if you are here with the crowd I won't have to worry about me. It's me Cap Amal after all"

I got my gear ready which consist of my shotgun , a knife in my boots, a Samurai sword on my back. The electrical detector and the walkie-talkie that belonged to one of the abductors. Most importantly secured my hijab because once I got caught cause it went loose in the middle of the battle.
I am all set.
I left my tent. Took a final look at every one of my crowd.

"Stay in the tents with the detectors on all the time for precautions. Derek & Alyssa take care of everyone please. Keep them safe" .

"YES CAP" yelled both Derek & Alyssa in union.

I left the gathering place keeping both of my walkie-talkie and electrical detector on just in case.
I collected some food today's a lucky day. I hunted a rabbit, 2 birds and a couple of vegetables.
These should be more than enough for now. As I was heading back my electrical detector started vibrating strongly then I heard a voice from the walkie-talkie.

"Attention , it's said that the rebel Cap has been seen at the Northern Side of Silver Nile. All units go there and capture the Cap alive. Kill everyone else. The Boss wants her alive " An Abductor Commander Jason said my 2nd sworn enemy

"That's near to the gathering place. We need to change our location. The Abductors should get distract" I thought
I changed the signaling of the walkie-talkie to our safe one

"Get me a piece of grilled meat ready" I said in a deep voice.

"You are vegetarian Commander" Derek deep voice replied

"We need to switch flow, the sun exposure is too much. Go to the shadows near the mountains for now" I instructed

"Will do commander" Derek replied.

"Get the food ready by evening. That's All" I switched the channel to the Abductors.
That was the secret language we invented t change positions if the Abductors got to hear us which is unlikely. They won't get a thing.
What I instructed them is for the crowd to go to our second location which is hided in the deep mountains at the eastern side of the country.

Now that this has been taken care of. I let the electrical detector guide me to the Abductors location
Let's get rid of some cowardly Abductors.

I saw them in a place not too far from our gathering but still a safe distance as they won't see us yet. But I do have to buy time for my crowd to get out of there safe and sound.
And what better distraction than the Cap they wanted so much herself.
But also I am not stupid there was about 7 of Abductors so I need to eliminate some without the others realizing as they outnumber me.

Those idiots were spread all over the place giving me the best opportunity to take them one by one.
First I turned off both of the walkie-talkie and the electrical detector
Second I started to slowly move to the Abductor that is walking towards a cliff.
"As if he would find anyone there" I thought
I sneaked behind him and then I jumped and snapped his neck. He's gone.
" 1 down 6 to go "

I moved his body to be in a position that a curious stupid person will come and see what's there.
and I hid behind the tree in a bent position so the bushes will give an extra coverage I got my SAMURAI sword ready and soon enough a stupid Abductor comes to see what's there.
As soon as he same near the body to see what's up with it. I took that as my opportunity and aimed my sword at his head.
The body fell with it's head separated from his body
"2 down 5 to go"

I moved both the bodies in a way that it will be well hidden as I can't keep using this place to not expose myself.
But to my surprise as I just placed the dead bodies over each other. I heard hustling and it seems as if someone is coming this way.

"Are all Abductors idiots or is it a talent why do they keep coming to this cliff area when it's clear nothing would be found here."
But for this one I only had the bushes as a cover and it isn't much so the element of surprise is the best way I got my knife from my boots got ready to aim as he came close enough I stabbed his leg which caused the Abductor to lose balance and scream I quickly muffled his screams and swiftly slit his neck causing him to bleed out and just to make sure I stabbed him one on his chest aiming for the heart.
When I was certain that he was dead I didn't bother to hide the body because someone might have heard the scream and I need to leave this place now
" 3 down 4 to go "

Now that its only 4 I can take them down together but still I need to be careful they always invent new paralyzing weapons.
I left the cliff place and to my surprise no one even came
"It takes talent to be this stupid but they are Abductors so I am not surprised at all"
I found the final four near one another for my luck
"Now let's get this settled once and for all"
I throw my knife at the head of one of the abductors taking him down in one swift.
While I shot the other using my shot gun.
"2 down 2 to go"

The final two turned my way and started sprinting aiming their weird looking guns on me and shot I dodged both of their shots which were electrical radiant that I guess paralyze you I separated both of their heads with my sword and it was done.
"the final 2 are down"

"Those idiots never learn do they. They need more skills to take down Cap Amal!!"

Wait tomorrow to see more of " Survival Mode " on Fox Movies


I heard movement outside the tent and a shadow is coming this way !!
"What should I do. I have no weapon. Amal you will have to go wrist power . YOU CAN DO IT. TAKE THOSE ABDUCTORS DOWN" I kept enchanting encouraging thoughts .

As the tent start opening I got my wrist ready when it was half way open I shouted
"AHHHHHHHH DIE ABDUCTOR" and jumped to my attacker but I didn't this much though.
I lost balance on while jumping and fell only half of my body was out.
As I crawled my way out. I found someone on the floor .

"May what the heck, you almost gave me a heart attack" Nars said

"What are you doing here Nars??"

"I want to ask you the same thing what are you doing in a hunn.. a strangers tent. Do you know how dangerous this could be. And what a self defense technique is that girl "

"Well at least it got you scared didn't it" I argued back

"You have no idea I thought I was a goner" he muttered something that I couldn't hear

"Why are you hiding here in the first place"

"Well I was running away from.. " I got cut off

"From me" Xander voice was behind me.

I turned to see he has the combination of sadness and anger flooding all over his face.
"How could you run away like that, what if you something had happened to you. What if you get kidnapped or turned huh. How careless could you be AMAL !!" Xander said

"He said AMAL , not Red that means he's angry" this thought circled and circled in my head.
The more I thought about it the sadder I got and I have no idea why

"Why am I sad??" I couldn't find an answer.

Next thing I was snapped out of my trace when I felt arms around me hugging me
"I am sorry Red please don't cry anymore" Xander said that's when I realized that I was crying

"Why Am I crying now?? What is wrong with me" I didn't have the strength to push him away.

*Lately I have been losing sleep *
that's my ringtone

I pushed Xander away and checked the caller it was Marwa. I answered

" Salam Marwa sho fi (Is there something wrong)"

"Salam , I heard that you got fully discharged. "
"I am !!"

"You don't even know that you are discharged typical Amal. Sahi sho bdi elk. Rah naadi hal fatra be malja'a laano el awdaa mo mneha " (Yeah I wanted to tell you that we will spent these coming days in a shelter like home since the situation is not that good)

"Alaa sho am thki. Ento fekon shi " (What are you talking about?? Are you all alright)

"Kelna mnah Baba w Mama ma Omar am yenelo el agrad w ana w Ziad jayyen naxdek mn el mashfa" (We are all fine Dad, Mom and Omar are transferring our stuff while Ziad and I are coming to get you from the hospital)

"WHAT THE HOSPITAL. When will you guys arrive" I am definitely not in the hospital

"We need about 15 minutes max can you get your papers done by then"

"I will try my best. See you in a bit Salam"

"Salam " and hung up Marwa

"YA Allah what do I do I am screwed up. What do I do. 15 minutes how will I get to the hospital in 15 minutes I am a goner for sure" I kept chanting and pace around.

"MAY snap out of it the hospital is a five minute walk this way" Nars Said

"For real Nars OH MY ALLAH Thank you Thank you" I started jumping upside down happily.

A growl sound made me stop and just start walking where Nars said.

But a few steps and Xander was near me I could tell by his scent which is so addicting it's dangerous.

"So why did you run away Red earlier?"

"I wasn't running I was searching for the crew, you know why would I run away from you " I laughed but
it sounded so fake that I just shut my mouth immediately.

But I heard the most beautiful sound it's his laugh. It was like a music to my ears. I just wanted him to continue laughing forever.

"I love that you are something else. My beautiful Mate."

"Mate didn't he say once that his mother left them for her mate so isn't it a bad thing or not" I thought.

"Ask whatever you want Amal I can see you have a question" Xander commented.

"Xander.. you know what it's better not to. "

"Well if you ever have a question ask away I will always answer you honestly" I could feel the sincerity in his voice.

"Maybe some other time".

We walked in silence side to side. It was a comfortable silence which I actually enjoyed more that I anticipated that I would.

Soon enough we began to see the out linings of the hospital .

We got inside took care of my discharge paper and after everything is settled. Everyone left well convincing Xander took time but at the end he caved.

After around a minute or two I saw Marwa and Ziad coming my way

I can't believe how much I missed them so I went up to hug them.

"Get away from me Amal haj (Enough)" Ziad said

"I missed you too Ziad" I laughed.

"Let's go home" Marwa said

"sahi sho el asa (What's happening?)"

"There's been some unwanted events occurring around " Marwa started

"So the Governor decided to make everyone gather in a one big shelter for everyone's safety " Ziad continued.

"ohhh" and then it was a silent ride.

"Amal awmi (Wake up )" Marwa was shaking me to wake up

"Aema Aema yala (I woke up)"

I rubbed my tired eyes and opened them to see a mansion

"Whaaaaa" my mouth is wide open "Ziad you said it was a shelter not a freaking mansion"

"Well how will a huge amount people will live together. It's either mansions or a whole building with a number of apartments" He gave me the you are an idiot look.

"But will this mansion really be able to have everyone from the town living here"

Ziad was giving me the I can't believe I am even related to you, you are a disgrace to the family.

"Girl I just said mansions did you hear the "s" that's used for plurals " he was so disappointed I felt slightly shamed.
but then I went over to him and ruffled his hair. "My smart Ziado I love you"

"I don't stop messing my hair" he stared fixing it.

"Are you guys done let's go inside" Marwa said

"Let's go" Ziad and I said

" I have a good feeling about this" I thought

As we entered the mansion I was greeted with my parents

"Amal kef serti habebti (How are you feeling my love)" my mum asked

"I am good AlhamidAllah" I hugged my mum

I turned to my father went for a hug and said "Baba Ana mneha la takol ham" (I am fine Dad don't worry about me)

"I will always worry about you , you are my baby girl"

"BABA w ana sho ??(What about my DAD )" Marwa said

"You are also my baby girl. I care about all of you the same" he hugged Marwa

Now let's go inside so you could greet everyone. When we went to the living room.

"Hello every.." I was cut off


I looked to find everyone from the crew is here

What !!!

" The I had a good feeling changed to I am screwed "



That's the end of chapter Eight

I hope you enjoyed it

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Until Next Time Sy__Di :D

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