Chapter Six

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OMG OMG OMG OMG I can't believe it that the story reached 5.1 k reads and 251 votes and the multiple comments asking me to update the story , I can't express my happiness with all the support I got. You guys are all beyond AMAZING, the love you are showing the story is making me speechless.
 I know it's been more than a while approximately 8 months but here we are finally I Know several events took place as to why I couldn't update but I finally managed to do it 

Without any further talking I present chapter Six
I hope you enjoy it

Amal's Pov

All I can hear is the echoing of my footsteps as I walk. All I have been doing is walking in this pitch black place reaching nowhere , finding nothing one thing I am certain about is that I am stuck here all alone in this place. I have no idea where am I. How long I have been here , what happened?.
I can't tell the difference whether my eyes are closed or wide open cause all that I can visualize is the darkness that's surrounding me. Does this place even exist or am I stuck inside an imagination that 's all been made up in my own head ??
No one is here no matter how many times or how loud I scream calling for help "Hello !! Is anyone out there ?? Can you hear me ? How do I get out of here" but the only sound in response that's heard is the echo of my own voice nothing else.
But that didn't stop me from trying to find an exit because I wouldn't have forgiven myself if I have just given up without doing my best.

I feel empty on the inside due to the fact that I haven't felt any object or tumbled into an obstacle or even touched a wall.
The only thing that had kept me sane is the sound of my footsteps & the floor that I am currently walking they kept my company .
The strange thing about this journey is that I haven't felt the need to be feed or thirst. All I do is just walk.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my legs like I am being kicked on the knees multiple times with a metal. A burning sensation which I couldn't fight anymore no matter how hard I tried. I ended up falling on the ground clutching my legs near my chest and screaming my lungs out.
I felt like all the power have been drained , all the defenses have been broken.
Overall I am vulnerable. I didn't know when the tears began to fall one after the other until a stream of tears continuously escaped my eyes extensively and I couldn't stop it. I felt suffocated , I wasn't able to breath.
I was like that for some time but then as if calmness took over me. My breathing got steady , crying somehow stopped and I found myself raising my hand up high ready to make Dua'a (Prayer) "Ya Rab (O Lord) I know you that you are there , and you wouldn't leave me alone. Help this worshiper of yours and guide me. Because I am certain if you are with me I will be able to do anything" As soon as I ended my dua'a. The ground started shaking and it felt like an earthquake , I can hear the ground being ripped open and I wasn't fast enough to react I fell into the cracked opening and my screams is all I can hear


"AAAAAAHHHHH" I jerked up from my bed with a responding screams
I looked around me to see Marlyn , Berry , Nick or Fink looking at me like I had two heads

I tried to speak but I couldn't it's like my mouth just closed up after that horrifying scream.

Marlyn noticed "let me get you some water"
while Berry and one of the twins still gazing at me weirdly
I nodded to Marlyn as a sign of appreciation as I drank the water

" Ehm Ehm , what's wrong guys , why are you staring at me like that ?? Is something wrong ??"

"How did you break the sp...." Nick or Fink spoke but was nudged by Marlyn

"They are just still in shock from your scream , that was quiet a strong one " Marlyn explained

"Yeah , where am I , what happened??"

"Well .." as Marlyn was about to reply the door opened

"Hey Mary, nothing is working on Xander how about we .... Oh hey May you are up!! How are you feeling ??" Grayson was the owner of the voice

"I'm fine ..., ouuuch my head ya ALLAH " I clutched my head it felt like it was going to explode.

"Mary do something" Grayson shouted

"I can't do it alone, we need to break it before it takes over her. Amal managed to escape and that's not good. Nick back me up "
I was too consumed in my own pain to concentrate on what they are doing , but then after a couple of minutes of pure agony it all come to an end.

"Here May drink this , it will help you become relaxed and have some sleep" Grayson handed me a cup
"I don't want to "
"It's for your own safety" said Berry
I looked around the room and saw the concern so I decided to just do it. Because I couldn't take it anymore so I surrendered
When this awfully tasted drink made it's way into my body , I couldn't keep my eyes open and I slumbered into a peaceful sleep

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