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Hi! I'm Collin Grey (not really lol),

I'm a 16 y/o (human years) newly awakened Therian from Eastern Canada~ !

What am I?
I'm not saying for certain! So just keep in mind that this is subject to change, but after doing some research on my instincts, shifts and past life dreams, I think I'm an Alaskan Grey Wolf (Canadian Timber Wolf) or an Interior Alaskan Wolf (Yukon wolf)!

What am I?I'm not saying for certain! So just keep in mind that this is subject to change, but after doing some research on my instincts, shifts and past life dreams, I think I'm an Alaskan Grey Wolf (Canadian Timber Wolf) or an Interior Alaskan W...

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How did I get here?Uh, well, cringe culture really made it difficult

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How did I get here?
Uh, well, cringe culture really made it difficult. I spent years thinking furries were cringey, which branched out into Therianthropy and of course the only side I saw of the Therian/Otherkin community was the extreme side filled with wolfaboos and little kids :(

But I recently started dating this boy (who I love a lot), and he's been a part of the community for years! I decided to research it just so I could support him, even though I was fairly certain I'd never understand/agree with the concept.

Needless to say! I was wrong :O big surprise right?

Once I started reading I noticed it was all making more sense than i thought it would, I found that my close-mindedness towards it dissipated quickly and was replaced with... interest ^-^

What make me think I'm awakening?
Well, to be honest, I'm not sure I am, I'm still learning and who knows, maybe I'll find out I'm other-hearted or just lost in passion. But! Here's some things that have happened recently :)

1. The more I researched, the more I pondered the subject of Therianthropy. Only a day or 2 after I had started researching, I had already found that I was completely open to it :o and while thinking I started to remember some instances from my childhood that I had suppressed as "just kid things". Maybe they are just kid things! But who knows, they don't feel like just kid things.
↪Some nights when I'd go to bed and some mornings, I'd stretch out long, my arms in front of me and my butt in the air just like a canine would. It was just sonething I felt like doing, even though that's not a very conventional way to stretch.

↪There was a period of a month or so where I -almost involintarily- took to walking in circles on all 4s before curling into a ball in bed

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↪There was a period of a month or so where I -almost involintarily- took to walking in circles on all 4s before curling into a ball in bed. I'm not sure why I stopped.
↪I always felt unsettled by being a human, as a kid I tried the born again christian thing a couple times, and I'd often pray before bed that I'd wake up in a different body. I'd picture a wolf running through the lush Canadian forests or an elk in the endless unattended farm fields we have here. But mostly, I would've been content with anything as long as it wasn't human.

 But mostly, I would've been content with anything as long as it wasn't human

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2. I started getting my instincts back! I remember them from when I was young as well. The instinct to chew, growl, howl, snarl, even to shrink down and back away when scared (which I have to suppress) or to stand tall and take control of situations when they get out of hand (its like I lose a lot of anxiety).

 The instinct to chew, growl, howl, snarl, even to shrink down and back away when scared (which I have to suppress) or to stand tall and take control of situations when they get out of hand (its like I lose a lot of anxiety)

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3. Phantom shifts :o it started with the simple phantom presence of a tail, like my tailbone felt heavy. Then I'd notice canines that if I focused on I could almost feel with my tongue. Recently though, my phantom shifts have been getting a bit more prominent, but I'll mention that another time.

4. I really do feel like I am! I'm not one to label myself quickly, and since its only been about 3 weeks I'm not saying for sure. But I feel a very strong connection, so we'll see!

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