I'm uninstalling Wattpad

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Hey guys! I know this didn't take long, but I need to get off of social media largely and I'm aware of this right now.

I'm deleting Wattpad, I may or may not come back (my goal is not to, but the future is unwritten yknow?) This journal has been great, but I've been feeling called to start a physical journal anyways and open up more about my experiences with friends and within workshops I'm arranging with my workplace in the summer.

Thank you guys for reading! I'm so happy you guys have been here, I hope my journaling has been a benefit to others and I hope it continues to provide an outlook for new therians on Wattpad! I have so much love and gratitude for you guys and know that when you're reading my journals, I'm sending love!

Much love, bliss and many blessings,
Collin Grey :)

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