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Today was so niiice!! And super shifty!

I'm in the Therian Amino, and in there there is a roleplay chat for people to roleplay as their theriotypes. Honestly, it's typically dead, but today it picked up bigtime!

It started with two wolves roleplaying a fight for the role of alpha, soon a german shepherd and another wolf joined in as bystanders, then I (maned wolf) and a melanistic fox joined in as well, and lastly... a seal?? In the middle of the forest?? We made our jokes about it, but the roleplay went on well.

We ended up changing plots after one of the wolves left, the G.S, the seal, the fox, one of the wolves and I were now in the arctic :o we got stranded on a large ice flow in the ocean, myself and the wolf were severely injured in different ways and were kept warm until we arrived at a shore, at which point I had mostly healed but had lost my voice.

We hunted, cared for the wolf, made a den together, and then eventually moved to a private chat.

We all expressed to eachother that we were super shifty, it was so much fun that my phantom tail began to feel tired from wagging so much, I had a full phantom shift though, ears, muzzle, fur, legs, tail and paws, it was really amazing. I also was very m-shifted, when I called my s/o, they pointed out how hyper I was, I was kicking my feet in the air to compensate for my tail getting too tired to wag, and I was squirming and smiling a lot. I also whined at them a couple times (whining is the natural sound the maned wolf makes, from greeting to casual, equivalent to a bark or meow), and thank gosh they're a therian, because I had to admit what was up lol

One of them also told me about what they identify as, the term cladotherian (identifying as a whole genus rather than a specific species -ie. Wolf instead of Mackenzie Valley wold-) is pretty well known. But he described to me the term Selective Cladotherian which means that you identify with a whole genus, but only feel one species within it at a time. I thought that was really cool and that I'd share it! I'm also keeping my mind open to this with the Gruidae genus (cranes), because I have noticed that they all feel right, but I certainly feel mostly like a sarus crane, and certainly only feel like one at a time and not just like a "crane", but we'll see!

Also! This is unrelated to me, but super cool, my boyfriend discovered a new (or maybe his correct) theriotype (he didn't tell me if it was a new one or if it was his confirmed singular theriotype). He's a monkey :o also from India! Just like the Sarus crane, which I thought was cool. But I'm super happy for him!


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