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It's uhh definitely not 2:30am, we won't discuss that. Because there are more important things!

Typically when I experience cameo shifts they don't last very long because I have to kind of work harder to maintain them if that makes sense (?), but I've been having a sort of crazy phantom shift for the last 2[ish] hours and ShibeFluke reminded me that I should record this! So here we are ^-^

I was laying in bed scrolling through an account on instagram that posts all kinds of experiences they have as a polytherian and otherkin (wolfkin, angelkin, dragonkin, etc [a bunch of others] their account is super interesting and diverse!), and in one they talked about one of their angelkin experiences with their wings. Needless to say, I scrolled right past it, but I caught a glimpse of what I think said something like "stretching your wings and ruffling your downy feathers when you're with loved ones."

Now even though I completely ignored the post and lost it long before this happened lmao, a couple of minutes passed and I started to feel uh- phantom wings :o

I was laying on my left side and could feel that while the right wing was stretched out sort of awkwardly above me, the left wing started to feel stiff as I rested directly on my shoulder blade. I didn't really admit to it though, I stayed on my left side but soon the awkward feeling was undeniable and I had to move.

When I finally got up and stretched, I noticed that even though it helped, my clothes felt too constricting. I was m-shifted earlier and was dressed in a warm, soft sweater and pants and fuzzy socks and my tail (which I quickly felt uncomfortable in and had to take off). I had to take of my sweater and shirt, sit on the edge of my bed and stretch my back and my shoulder blades as far as physically possible, it was insanely refreshing, and made me feel unusually powerful.

I could feel the wings extend upwards above my head, the stiffness in my shoulder blades dissipated and I felt no constriction by clothing. I could feel feathers shake out, making me move my shoulder blades back and forth. They flapped rapidly about 3 times before I sat back up straight and they shook out, bent, and settled against my back.

After that I went downstairs to use the bathroom, and against my bare back I could feel the warm, soft feathers tickling my spine, it was weird and new - but comforting and empowering.

I'm suspecting some soft of large predator species of bird, I (?)may(?) even look into some otherkin identities although I don't think that's it. Anyways! It's been an interesting night ^-^ thanks for reading y'all!


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