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I know it's been awhile, I'm very busy with school as we approach the last 2 months, I've also been going through a lot spiritually in the last week or so.
I'm in math now and I'm shifty so that's fun, but I'll recap first.

So I was doing all my fun research on possibilities for my second kintype, and I decided that I would try on the Trico identity ^-^ it is honestly the closest thing I can find so far, and something about it does feel homely.

So I was doing all my fun research on possibilities for my second kintype, and I decided that I would try on the Trico identity ^-^ it is honestly the closest thing I can find so far, and something about it does feel homely

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I love my trico shifts (I'm going to call them that, just know that this could change anytime). I get huge wings with thick feathers, a thick feathered coat on my neck, back and chest, I can't emphasize how comforting the feathers are. I can stretch and shake them out, sometimes I "preen" them when I'm shifted, by wearing a wool sweater and picking at it absentmindedly, or scratching my neck. My favorite thing is night time, because it's always when I'm the most shifted, and my wings are so comforting. They're much too big to fit on my bed, so I'll lay kind of diagonally on my stomach and one will stretch on and drape over onto the floor, and the other will stretch as far as it can but bend at the wall. Some days I'll drape my blanket on me lightly and wrap my wings over myself, that way it's almost as if they're really there when my eyes are closed.

So now I'll talk about now? I'm in math class and uhm- obviously not working lmao. We have a test tmmr and we're doing review I'm already done so, I get to chill. But I'm maned wolf shifty ^-^ which is nice, because I've been so focused on my second kintype that I haven't been too connected to my maned wolf self. I've got a tail shift, a faint muzzle shift (mostly teeth and nose) as well as a faint ear shift. I'm also feeling very solitary, and this class full of humans is pretty unsettling, especially because I'm not feeling very human myself.

I am having a really great day, although after lunch I haven't been very shifty. I've been very focused on my spiritual growth tonight and have been just gobbling down information on some new topics resonating with me, as I've been doing for the last few days. On that note I'd like to put out a warning, just to say that I may take a break (possibly indefinite) from wattpad, for the sake of my spiritual growth. I'll update you guys if I choose to or not.

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