My Official Theriotype!

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It's been an eventful 2 days my dudes :o

So I left off in my last update saying I was going to research some other canids, foxes, hyenas, wild dogs, to try and find something that more accurately aligned with my instincts and m-shifts, and I think it's pretty safe to say guys, I've found what I was looking for.

I spent about 2 hours last night reading and reading and reading. I started with wild dogs, but wasn't getting anywhere, so I moved onto foxes. Immediately I could tell I was a little closer, but there are SO MANY types of foxes! I found myself deeeeep in a hole of research very quickly, so after a solid 2 hours of stocking up on fox knowledge, I laid down for a meditation.

I have experience with meditation, so I made a very big point of going into it without any expectations, I didn't want my subconcious to affect what I saw when I projected.

1. I turned on a lucid dreaming playlist, these are my favorite for projecting and past life meditations
2. I laid down on my back, hands at my sides, and flexed all my muscles in turn before relaxing them so I could fully relax.
3. I calmed my mind and centered myself, becoming aware of my energy and drawing it in to my heart.
4. I focused on my breath, 6 seconds inhale, drawing in my energy. 4 second pause, to secure it in my chest area. And 6 seconds exhale, letting go of tension and any thoughts that popped up.
5. I continued like this until my thoughts were entirely silent (takes me about 10-15 minutes).
6. I shifted my focus from my breath to the concentrated feeling in my chest, and let it spread until it filled my body.
7. This was when I started to project, for me I visualize the energy rising out of my body and into the darkness. Until it's just me standing in well- nothingness.

And here's where things get interesting~!

I walked in this darkness for a ways, until I got the sudden urge to lay down and close my eyes. I laid down for what felt like ages, I'm unsure how long this was in real time, but it couldn't have been more than 5 minutes.

When I opened my eyes again I was surrounded by tall grass, I looked around, I wasn't in a human body anymore and I didn't really want to stand up. I stayed curled up in the grass for awhile.

After I felt accustomed to the body I was in, I stood up, it was a little rickety, my legs felt very lanky and awkward. My eye level was significantly above the grass line and I could see that I was stood beneath one of the few trees in an open grasslands.

I was unable to see colour.

I stretched, my front legs were straight, but my back legs extended out behind me. I stretched my head up in the air.

And then I started to lose my connection, up until that point I was 100% the animal, I didn't so much as make note of anything, I just was.

I was still able to maintain my presence in the body, but I started trying to find out what I was, which made me subconsciously connect back to my human mind and eventually come back to my body. But here's what I did:

I looked down at my paws, they were black. Then turned in a circle, trying to see my tail which started grey at the top and ended white at the tip (remember I was seeing in grayscale). I jumped slightly, my legs were very lanky and odd, the joints were in weird places.

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