A Classic™️ Start [pt 2]

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- 7:00, Friday morning [approx. 1 hour and 30 minutes until Peter will be home again]-
Peter woke up to the sound of something moving in the vents. He immediately passed it off as Clint and though 'what the f-'. Peter heard the explosion before it happened.
"CLINT WHAT THE HELL?!? OH MY GOD WHY? THIS WILL TAKE FOREVER TO CLEAN", he screamed, immediately jumping and flipping onto the ceiling to hit the archer that was still in the vent. Clint had just been laughing at the teenager's reaction, but when he saw how furious he was, he knew it was over.
So Peter spent most of his time before school running after someone and Clint spent it running away from someone.
They were still running around after each other when Mr.America himself walked in after his morning run. Once he saw what was happening, he shot them both his Eyebrows of Disappointment™️.
"Peter go get dressed, you have to be at school in 20 minutes"
"Yeah, about that pops. I don't see the point in even going if I'm just gonna-"
"Go to school"
Peter trudged onto his room, not really caring about what he wore since he would only be returning home. So he settled on a solid black hoodie and some old sweatpants. After getting dressed he grabbed his phone and some headphones off of his nightstand. He decided not to take anything else to school if he wasn't going to do anything.
On his way out of the tower, he grabbed some toast and headed down to the parking garage where Happy Hogan would usually be waiting to take him to school.
Unfortunately, today was as unusual as it gets.
Uncle Bucky was currently standing in the middle of the parking garage waiting for Peter. And if that wasn't already a sign for a chaos, what was behind him was.
Aunt Natasha was now waving Peter over toward them, next to an all black Tesla. Of course the too top assassins wanted to take "Peter Parker"- a young, poor boy- to school in a fucking Tesla. He knew shouldn't have turned in that cursed field trip form.
"Come on ребенок паук, we don't have all day", Natasha smirked.
The group of Three got in the car, Bucky driving.
[arriving at school]
If Peter Parker coming to school in a Tesla didn't surprise people, then what happened afterwards certainly did.
Peter got out, trying to rush up the stairs of the front of the school when suddenly-
"Мы тебя любим!", was yelled by Bucky and Natasha with Natasha's window rolled down.
Everyone who wasn't already looking turned towards Peter, wondering why the Ex-winter soldier and The Black Widow were taking him to school. Peter then decided to make a run for it and head to class.
Peter got to class earlier than everyone else because he didn't bring anything. The first person to walk in was Flash. He already knew what was about to happen before Flash even opened his mouth.
"Wanna explain what just happened outside Parker? I mean, you're just Puny Penis Parker! The poor boy who is lying about his internship! But I'm sure we'll all learn the truth-"
"Peter isn't in the mood for your bullshit today Eugene", MJ practically strutted in saying, "So if you would keep your mouth shut for the remainder of the trip, we might learn something instead of losing brain cells listening to you talk".
That shut flash up for the moment.
Ned and MJ joined Peter in the back of the room.
"I can't save your ass forever loser".
Peter sighs,"I know but I'd rather suffer in silence than accidentally kill him, yaknow?"
Mr.Harrison gets the class's attention, and calls role. Then they head out to get on the bus.
On the bus, Flash starts to throw paper balls at the back of Peters head. After a few dozen hit him, he snaps and gives up.
"Flash where the absolute FUCK do you get all that paper, and how the hell do you always have it with you", he turned to Flash, seething.
Flash was taken aback, but before he could answer, the class had already arrived at their destination.
The majority of the class looks around and wonder. However if you paid attention and look closer you would see that three of the teens did not look impressed. Peter had a face of pure anxiety. ned was only looking forward to seeing Mr. Stark again. MJ ,on the other hand ,only wished to see Pepper and hopefully get an interview with her For her women's rights blog.
Flash turns around to the group of three, "I can't wait to see what your buddy Tony is up to you. Aren't you best friends with him? Oh wait, you are lying about your internship. No one would want little. puny. penis. Parker."
MJ turned to him and raises her middle finger, "Didn't I tell you not to speak Eugene, you hardheaded bastard".
A tour guide meets the class at the entrance of the tower. they announced what would be happening at this specific tour.
"Hello everyone, welcome to Stark Tours. Here we will get to see how and what Tony has designed to change the future and what it holds. But you are a special group, not only do you get to see that but you also get to witness a training session with The Avengers. And if you're lucky enough you might be able to learn something from them."
Right then and there Peter knew that his dad had put the rest of the avengers up to this. he knew that the embarrassment was in evitable and he could not avoid it much longer.
The tour guide, Claire, then discussed the passes that each student would receive. She went over what specific pass they were receiving and what passes do what.
" The first pass level is Violet. It is usually used for tour groups but today your tour group is getting something a little bit different. The next pass is a bronze, ours starting out interns receive this one. The next pass is silver, It can get you up to any of the interns labs. With a gold pass you are able to go anywhere except The Avengers  territory. This includes one of Tony Starks labs and one rec room. The last pass is platinum, meaning that you have free reign of the entire tower. This includes everything I just talked about and some of The Avengers 's weapons, including Spiderman's old suit and web slingers."
The entire class ooh's and ahh's because they live Spiderman.
Flash raises his hand, "What pass will we be receiving?"
Claire smiles, " I was under specific instructions by Tony Stark himself to give you all a temporary platinum pass."
The entire class gasps and whispers to each other, why THE Tony Stark would give Midtown High free reign of the tower.
"Alright children, be quiet. When I call your name come up and collect your pass."
Everyone's name was called except for Ned and Peter's but no one really noticed. Except for Flash but that's because he's basically obsessed with them.
Flash raises his hand and asks, "miss Claire, why didn't ned and Peter receive a pass like we did?"
Claire clears her throat and looks at the pair in question and waves off the question, " The Stark kid and his friend already have a platinum pass".
Everyone looks at Ned and Peter and they pretend like nothing is happening. And they avoid all eye contact like the nerds that they are.
The class begins to whisper among themselves again, "what does she mean by the Stark kid" and "How do they have such high passes?".
Claire interrupted all of their thoughts again, "Come on kids we haven't all day. Mr.Stark will be waiting for us soon!"
She ushered all of the students into the elevator and took them to the first tour spot.
[12:30- lunch time]
Surprisingly, nothing much had happened during the field trip, until now.
The cafeteria at the school went into was not just the cafeteria. It was a freaking food court. Peter sometimes stop down here to get snacks, and by sometimes I mean three times a day. Peters and metabolism made him more food than a regular person. So the staff knew him very well, but not only that someone was waiting for him in the lunchroom.
The class walks in only to find Hawkeye and the princess of Wakanda sitting at a table. Peter almost died on site.
Hawkeye realized that the class had walked in, "Peter, my man, my dude, fancy seeing you here!"
The entire class turned around to look at Peter. Peter is scowling at Clint, wondering why this had to happen now. Then the class part themselves like the Red Sea. Shuri ran to Peter and jumped, giving him a (would've been) bone crushing hug. Peter, carrying Shuri, walked forward to greet the nuisance in front of him.
"first of all, SHURI WHEN DID YOU GET HERE? secondly, Clint why the hell do you have to bother me. I never did anything to you", Peter wines.
Shuri gets down off of Peter to say hello to the stunned class behind them. Meanwhile, Peter is confronting Clint and after a few minutes the class turn their attention back to them.
"Welp, I guess it's time to call in the big guns. F.R.I.D.A.Y! ALERT THE A TEAM", Clint screams at the A.I.
"I'm afraid it's too late Mr.Parker, The A team has been notified"
And in that moment, the only thing Peter was thankful for was the fact that FRIDAY had called him by his former last name.
Clint was snickering, and Shuri has hyperventilating because of how hard she was laughing. And then the Avengers bust through the door, guns blazing.
Well except for Tony, he knew what was happening. Tony was dressed in a black muscle shirt and some old, oil stained sweatpants. He somehow still managed to look like he was ready to save the world. But this time around, he had switched his normal paparazzi smile for one only reserved for his son.
Then Thor accidentally ruined it all.
Peter was shocked to see his too favorite asgaurdians back on the planet.
"It's is good to see you again, Son of Stark!", Thor boomed.
Peter was enclosed into another bone crushing hug, The Avengers smiling at the two.
And Flash knew better than to ask dumb questions for once.
Stick around after this short a/n for a bonus part
I just wanna thank everyone for reading thus far even though it's a few of you. Secondly, Don't be afraid to PM me or comments suggestions on the next oneshot.
I mean, come on, you can never get enough oneshots. Plus I'm willing to write things besides the field trip oneshots, and i'm fine with making a separate oneshot book.
See ya soon!
At the very end of the trip, the students very given the choice to try and lift Thor's hammer.
Everyone in the class went except for Peter.
MJ moved it an inch.
Ned moved it an inch too.
Flash struggled for 5 minutes straight but couldn't move it.
The rest of the students tried but gave up after the first tug.
A certain idiot decided to point out that Peter hadn't gone, and then the whole class started chanting him name and telling him to try. The class knew he couldn't do it anyway.
Peter steps up to the hammer and barely tugs at it. 'It's light', he thinks. He tugs at it a bit more, seeing if he could actually lift it. It gave him no indication so he just picked it straight up.
Everyone was silent.
"oh shit", came from Peter.
Then everyone cheered.
Except for flash, he was traumatized. He might have even peed his pants a little.
(more like a lot).
And Eugene never bothered Peter again

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